A loan or extension of credit, within the bank's legal lending limit when made, will not be deemed a violation, but will be treated as nonconforming, if the loan or extension of credit is no longer in conformity with the bank's lending limit because, in the case of a credit exposure arising from a derivative transaction identified in Section 3.0 of this regulation and measured by the Model Method specified in Section 3.2.1 of this regulation, the credit exposure, subject to the lending limits of Section 909 of Title 5 of the Delaware Code or this regulation, increases after execution of the transaction. A bank must use reasonable efforts to bring a loan or extension of credit that is nonconforming as a result of this section into conformity with the bank's lending limit unless to do so would be inconsistent with safe and sound banking practices.
5 Del. Admin. Code § 905-5.0
17 DE Reg. 656 (12/1/2013) (Final)