"Designated Publication" means the single publication agreed to be used by a majority of the licensed Delaware Wholesalers for the compilation of monthly price lists for all alcoholic liquor prices, post-offs, and quantity discounts offered for sale to Delaware licensed retailers. In the absence of a clear majority voting to change the existing publication, the publication will remain the publication that is in effect at the time of the vote.
"Monthly Price List" means the monthly price listing prepared by, or on behalf of, a Delaware licensed wholesaler for all alcoholic liquor prices, post-offs, and quantity discounts offered for sale to Delaware licensed retailers. The monthly price list shall contain the presumptive price, but may be superseded by any subsequent updated notification issued by the wholesaler, provided the DATE and the Commissioner are notified of the updated listing.
"Post-Off" means a reduction in the price regularly charged by wholesalers, as published to the trade, which is sold by wholesalers to licensed retailers.
"Price" means the amount of money given or set as consideration for the sale of a specified order of alcoholic liquor.
"Quantity Discount" means a reduction in the price regularly charged by wholesalers, as published to the trade, which is sold by wholesalers to licensed retailers and is based on whole or in part on the quantity of alcoholic liquor purchased.
"Retailer" means all establishments licensed by the Commission to sell alcoholic liquor directly to the public.
"Updated Notification" means notification of changes to prices, post-offs and quantity discounts made after the submission of the monthly Price List to the designated publication.
"Wholesaler" means licensed Delaware Importer (a.k.a."wholesaler").
4 Del. Admin. Code § 904-2.0