"Collection System". Consists of service lines, mains, manholes, customer facilities such as service lines, pump stations, lift stations, and appurtenances, owned and operated by the utility that conveys wastewater from customers to the treatment facilities.
"Commission". The Public Service Commission of Delaware.
"Customer". Any person, including any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, company, proprietorship, cooperative, joint stock company, or other form of business enterprise or legal entity of any kind, or any government agency or entity served by a wastewater utility.
"Dwelling Unit". One or more rooms arranged for the use of one or more individuals as a single housekeeping unit, with cooking, living, sanitary, and sleeping facilities.
"Equivalent Dwelling Unit EDU". Is a measurement of the volume of wastewater for a single dwelling unit and is used as a means to compare wastewater flows from customers for other classes of wastewater service.
"Main". Any wastewater pipe, owned, operated, or maintained by a wastewater utility, which is used for the collection or conveyance of wastewater, excluding service lines.
"Complaint". A complaint shall mean any specific objection to charges on the utility billing statement, facilities, practices, or services of a utility.
"Meter". Without other qualifications, any device or instrument which is used by the utility in measuring the quantity of wastewater discharged from a customer or service area for recording or billing purposes.
"Premises". A tract of land or real estate, including buildings and other appurtenances thereon.
"Service Line". The pipe that runs from the main to the customer's premises.
"Utility". Any person, including any individual, corporation, firm, partnership, association, company, proprietorship, cooperative, joint stock company, or other form of business enterprise or legal entity of any kind, that provides wastewater services, including collection, transport, or treatment of wastewater, and is subject to regulation by the Commission.
"Wastewater Plant". Equipment, stations, and property owned or operated by a utility, used in its business operations to render wastewater service to its customers.
"Shall". The use of the word "shall" in these regulations expresses a mandatory requirement.
"Should". The use of the word "should" in these regulations expresses suggestion or guidance and is not mandatory.
26 Del. Admin. Code § 6002-1.0