Reclassification of existing services may occur as specified below subject to the requirement that no service may be reclassified by the Commission less than twelve (12) months after an initial election by a telecommunications service provider made pursuant to Section 704(a) of the Act.
A telecommunications service provider, the Public Advocate, or any party may file a petition with the Commission to reclassify a service. The Commission may also undertake such activity on its own motion. Any party, including the Commission's Staff, proposing any such reclassification shall have the burden of supporting its proposal, except with respect to the reclassification of a competitive service, in which case the telecommunications service provider shall bear the burden of demonstrating that said service continues to be a competitive service.
Any petition for reclassification of a service made by any party must include, at a minimum, the following information:
Any petition for reclassification shall be filed by the petitioning party concurrently with the Commission and the telecommunications service provider, no less than thirty (30) days prior to the proposed implementation date for the reclassified service. The petitioning party shall publish newspaper notice pursuant to Rule 2.11. Such notice shall specifically describe the proposed filing and the effect of Commission approval of such filing, and shall state that written comments may be filed with the Commission for its consideration. In addition, the petitioning party shall serve a copy of the petition for reclassification on all interexchange telecommunications carriers and service providers who have submitted a written request for such notice with the petitioning party and the Commission and on the Division of the Public Advocate.
Where the Commission has reclassified a service as a Basic service or a Discretionary service, the Commission may determine whether the current rate is just and reasonable.
26 Del. Admin. Code § 4005-5.0