24 Del. Admin. Code § 2500-3.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 2500-3.0 - Pharmacy Requirements
3.1 Pharmacist in Charge
3.1.1 Application for permit to operate a pharmacy in the State of Delaware must be on a form approved by the Board. The form shall include the statement to be signed by the pharmacist in charge, "I understand that I am responsible for conducting and managing the prescription department in compliance with applicable State and Federal laws."
3.1.2 The Board interprets the responsibilities of the Pharmacist-in-Charge to include, but not be limited to the following: Maintain necessary pharmaceutical equipment and reference texts in accordance with the State Board of Pharmacy requirements. Maintain records required by the Uniform Controlled Substances Act and other relevant State and Federal regulations. Maintain proper security of particular pharmacy operation during and after normal business hours. Establish procedures within operation that maintain standard of practice as it relates to the dispensing of pharmaceuticals and refusal to dispense pharmaceuticals based on the religious, moral, or ethical beliefs of the dispensing pharmacist. These procedures shall include proper supervision of supportive personnel and delegation of authority to another pharmacist when not on duty. The pharmacist on duty is directly responsible for his own actions. Notify the Board of Pharmacy in writing within 10 days of termination as pharmacist-in-charge. Conducting an annual inspection of the pharmacy using the Board approved "pharmacist-in-charge self-inspection report" by February 1st of each year. The completed self-inspection report must be signed and dated by the pharmacist-in-charge and maintained on premises for three years in a form readily retrievable and available to Board inspectors. A new or incoming pharmacist-in-charge must complete the "pharmacist-in-charge self-inspection report" within thirty days of assuming the duties of pharmacist-in-charge and annually thereafter by February 1st.
3.2 Owner's Affidavit. The owner or owners and, in the case of a corporation, an authorized official of the corporation must present an affidavit properly notarized containing the statement, "I hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing statements are correct and do hereby agree to abide by the pharmacy laws of the State of Delaware and to all rules and regulations of the Delaware State Board of Pharmacy." The Board must be notified within 10 days of change of ownership.
3.3 Equipment and Reference Materials.
3.3.1 Equipment: Each pharmacy shall have all equipment appropriate to the individual pharmacy practice and to the care of the patients served. All equipment must be clean and must be maintained in such a manner that allows the pharmacist to accurately weigh, measure and compound ingredients. Equipment may include such things as prescription scale, metric graduates, mortars and pestles, filter paper, spatulas, funnel, stirring rod, ointment slab or papers, distilled water, and prescription/physician order files.
3.3.2 References: Each pharmacy shall maintain a library of the latest edition and supplements of current reference sources, either hard copy or electronically accessible, appropriate to the individual pharmacy practice and to the care of the patients served. References must: Provide information on the therapeutic use, dosing, pharmacology, adverse effects, and interactions of drugs dispensed. Provide information helpful in the counseling of patients on the use of drugs dispensed. Enable the pharmacist to properly compound medicines within accepted standards of pharmacy practice. Include a listing of therapeutic equivalents for drugs dispensed. Include current Delaware and Federal laws and regulations governing pharmacy and controlled substances. Provide any other information necessary to the safe and effective practice of pharmacy for the specific practice setting.
3.4 Physical Facilities. Have sufficient size, space, sanitation, and environmental control for adequate distribution, dispensing and storage of drugs and devices. Such facilities shall include:
3.4.1 A dispensing area of adequate size and space for proper compounding, dispensing and storage of drugs and devices, to ensure the safety and well being of the public and pharmacy personnel.
3.4.2 Sufficient environmental control, i.e. lighting, ventilation, heating and cooling to maintain the integrity of drugs and devices. The area in which drugs and devices are stored shall be accurately monitored using control devices to maintain room temperature between 59 degrees and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
3.4.3 The pharmacy department or prescription area must contain a sink with hot and cold running water. It must be large enough to accommodate the equipment appropriate to the individual pharmacy practice.
3.4.4 Suitable refrigeration with appropriate monitoring device. Refrigerators and freezers (where required) will be maintained within the USP/NF range:

Refrigerator - 36 degrees to 46 degrees Fahrenheit

Freezer - Minus 13 degrees to plus 14 degrees Fahrenheit.

3.5 Building Standards. An application to operate a new pharmacy must include (3) copies of floor plans drawn to scale of the proposed prescription department. The floor plans must include the following:
3.5.1 The requirements listed in §2533(e).
3.5.2 An area which assures patient privacy will be provided to facilitate counseling. This area must afford the patient privacy from auditory detection by any unauthorized person or persons. An area partitioned by a 5 foot divider on 2 sides with a minimum of 9 square feet would satisfy this requirement in most settings.
3.5.3 The floor plans shall include the location of the sink, all doors, storage room, approved Schedule II controlled substance safe, and the method of securing the prescription department from floor to ceiling, when the prescription department is closed and the remainder of the store is open.
3.5.4 The floor plans must include the type of alarm system to be installed, and the name, address and phone number of alarm provider. The alarm system, as required by Regulation 5 of the Delaware Controlled Substance Act, must be reviewed and approved for compliance by the Office of Controlled Substances.
3.5.5 The above requirements shall also apply for any remodeling or change of location of the prescription department. The pharmacist-in-charge or applicant for permit must submit the floor plans requirements to the Delaware Board of Pharmacy. The pharmacist-in-charge shall notify the Board within fifteen days after the completion of any remodeling.
3.6 Security. When the pharmacist is not physically present and the operation is open for business, the pharmacy department shall be physically or electronically secured from floor to ceiling. The partitioned off section required by 24 Del.C. § 2533 must be five feet high measured from the floor. A conspicuous sign with letters not less than three inches in height, reading "PRESCRIPTION LABORATORY TEMPORARILY CLOSED, NO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED," or words of similar import, must be posted in the front section of the operation or in front of the prescription area, room or partitioned off section where it can be seen by the public.
3.7 Board Interview. Applicants for permit to operate a pharmacy in the State of Delaware must appear before the Board for an interview. The owner or authorized official must be present in addition to the pharmacist-in-charge. Whenever there is a change of pharmacist-in-charge, if that person has never held that position in the State of Delaware, he/she must appear before the Board for an interview within ninety days after assuming the position.
3.8 Technician Support. The pharmacy permit holder shall ensure that, at all times that the pharmacy department is open for business, there shall be at least one fully trained technician immediately available in the facility to assist in the pharmacy at the pharmacist's request. A schedule of technician support shall be readily available to the pharmacists at all times.
3.9 A conspicuous sign with letters not less than three-quarter inches in height, reading "patients may request the lot numbers and expiration dating for their dispensed medication at the time of prescription drop-off" or words of similar import, must be posted in the front section of the operation or in front of the prescription area, room or partitioned-off section where it can be seen by the public.

24 Del. Admin. Code § 2500-3.0

Regulation 3.5.2 revised 6/16/97
Regulation 3.5.6 revised Effective date 10/11/98
2 DE Reg. 683 (10/1/98)
6 DE Reg. 488 (10/1/02)
7 DE Reg. 309 (9/1/03)
7 DE Reg. 1666 (6/1/04)
9 DE Reg. 85 (7/1/05)
9 DE Reg. 1253 (2/1/06)
11 DE Reg. 689 (11/01/07)
13 DE Reg. 506 (10/01/09)
15 DE Reg. 887 (12/01/11)
15 DE Reg. 1507 (04/01/12)
16 DE Reg. 654 (12/01/12)
19 DE Reg. 660 (1/1/2016) (Final)