24 Del. Admin. Code § 300-6.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 300-6.0 - Registration
6.1 Duration - Each certificate of registration issued by the Board shall be valid for two years, or the expiration of the current licensing period. The license renewal date is January 31 of even numbered years.
6.2 Continuing Education requirements for renewal.
6.2.1 In addition to all other requirements for registration renewal, an architect must complete a minimum of 24 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in the two calendar (January 1 - December 31) years preceding the license renewal deadline, including a minimum of eight CEUs in each calendar year, or be exempt from these continuing education requirements as provided below. For an architect's initial registration period, the continuing education requirements shall be pro-rated at one Continuing Education Unit per month of registration, beginning with the first full month following the month of issuance, through the end of the renewal cycle. Continuing Education Units. All Continuing Education Units must be completed in Health, Safety, and Welfare Subjects acquired in Structured Educational Activities. Continuing Education Units may be acquired at any location. Reporting and Record keeping. An architect shall complete and maintain forms as required by the Board certifying that the architect has completed the required Continuing Education Units. Forms may be audited by the Board for verification of compliance with these requirements. Documentation of reported Continuing Education Units shall be maintained by the architect for six years from the date of award. Exemptions. An architect shall not be subject to these requirements if: The architect has been granted emeritus or other similar honorific but inactive status by the Board; or The architect otherwise meets all renewal requirements and is called to active military service, has a serious medical condition, or can demonstrate to the Board other like hardship, then upon the Board's so finding, the architect may be excused from some or all of these requirements.
6.2.2 The following are considered acceptable Continuing Education and do not require pre-approval by the Board: NCARB monograph programs Health, safety, and welfare programs approved by the American Institute of Architects (AIA).
6.2.3 Course providers and licensees may request Board approval of courses at any time by submitting a written request to the Board and including a course outline with the number of classroom hours and the curriculum vitae or resume of the instructor. Course providers and licensees seeking pre-approval should submit the request a sufficient amount of time in advance of the CE course to permit the Board to consider the request at a regularly-scheduled Board meeting. Board approval shall expire 2 years after the approval date. If the course is amended at any time during the 2 years, the sponsor or licensee shall submit a new Application Form. Any licensees who complete courses not yet approved by the Board do so at their own risk, and the Board may not approve the course nor allow it to count toward completion of the biennial requirement of 24 hours of continuing education.
6.3 Audits and Attestation of Compliance
6.3.1 Random audits shall be performed by the Board. All registrants shall maintain documentation of continuing education, which shall include proof of attendance and verification that the education was an NCARB monograph course, a health, safety, and welfare course approved by the AIA, or approved by the Board.
6.3.2 Attestation that the required Continuing Education has been completed in the previous two calendar years shall be submitted to the Division of Professional Regulation prior to the January 31st renewal deadline.
6.4 Hardship Extension: Requests for a hardship extension must be in writing and submitted to the Board prior to December 31st of the second calendar year of reporting period. The Board may, at its discretion, grant an extension of time within which the Continuing Education requirement must be completed. The period of hardship extension granted shall be determined by the Board.
6.5 Late Renewal
6.5.1 A registrant that has failed to renew on or before January 31st renewal date may apply to the Board to renew their registration within four (4) months following the renewal date.
6.5.2 All late renewal applications must be accompanied by: Renewal fee Late renewal fee Documentation of compliance with the continuing education requirement prior to the renewal date.

No continuing education completed during the extension in order to satisfy the requirements of a preceding registration period may be used to satisfy future renewal requirements.

6.6 Not Transferable - A certificate of registration shall not be transferable.
6.7 Revocation, Suspension, Cancellation or Non-renewal of Registration - In the event of revocation, cancellation, suspension or nonrenewal of any registration, the registered architect shall be required immediately to return his/her Certificate of Registration, seal and license to the Board. Civil penalties may be imposed for failure to promptly return the Certificate of Registration, seal and license to the Board. 24 Del.C. § 317(d).
6.8 Architect Emeritus
6.8.1 To qualify for an Architect Emeritus license, the applicant shall: currently be registered as a Delaware Architect; and have been registered as a Delaware Architect for at least the immediate preceding ten years; and not be the subject of a pending disciplinary action related to architectural licensure in this or any other state; and have met all of the annual continuing education requirements of this Board prior to the filing of the application for emeritus status; and have filed an Architect Emeritus application on a form prescribed by the Board along with the required fee; and be at least 65 years old on the date of application for Architect Emeritus status.
6.8.2 A Delaware Architect Emeritus shall: not engage in the practice of architecture; and not be required to complete the annual continuing education requirements; and use the title "Architect Emeritus" in lieu of the title "Architect."
6.8.3 A Delaware Architect Emeritus may re-apply for active status as a registered Delaware Architect provided that the individual has completed 12 Continuing Education Units of the annual continuing education requirement during the calendar year in which the re-application is filed.

24 Del. Admin. Code § 300-6.0

9 DE Reg. 1764 (05/01/06)
12 DE Reg. 70 (07/01/08)
15 DE Reg. 1620 (05/01/12)
17 DE Reg. 550 (11/01/13)
19 DE Reg. 659 (1/1/2016)
20 DE Reg. 375 (11/1/2016)
21 DE Reg. 54 (7/1/2017)
22 DE Reg. 412 (11/1/2018) (Final)