"Alternative Food Establishment" means food establishments inclusive of alternative facilities to prepare food for public consumption. Specified under §8-305.
"Approval to Construct" or "ATC" means the record produced by the regulatory authority approving the construction of a food establishment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
"Caterer without a Premise" or "CWOP" means an alternative to traditional brick and mortar food establishments that results in a food establishment permit. This alternative operation is one whereby the permit holder conducts food establishment activities within another permit holder's permitted food establishment and the foods are relinquished directly to the consumer. The utilities, physical facilities, food equipment, capacity and access must meet the needs of the CWOP operation and comply with the Food Code.
"Commissary" - See "Servicing Area".
"Confirmed foodborne disease outbreak" means confirmed foodborne disease outbreak is defined as an incident in which two or more persons from separate households experience a similar illness after ingestion of a common food or meal and epidemiologic evaluation implicates the meal or food as the source of illness. Confirmed outbreaks may or may not be laboratory-confirmed.
"Conveniently located" means the ability to access the equipment and/or location without (A) risk of contamination; and (B) obstructions.
"Food Preparation" means a broad topic, involving all of the steps that occur between obtaining raw ingredients and consuming them as food.
"High Risk" means a food establishment that prepares food with multiple (3 or more) risk steps: handling, (combining-mixing), of raw ingredients; cooking; cooling; reheating; hot and cold holding for service; freezing and thawing; time as public health control and including:
"Limited Frozen Dessert Stand" or "LFDS" means an alternative food establishment that dispenses Italian water ice, snow cones, bulk hard-pack ice cream or frozen yogurt; and other similar products. It does not include the sites at which these products are processed; facilities which mechanically dispense (soft-serve style machines) these products; nor, facilities which add toppings.
"Low Risk" means a food establishment that:
"Medium Risk" means a food establishment that:
"Mobile Food Establishment" or "MFE" means a mobile food establishment is a vehicle mounted alternative food establishment that is readily moveable. MFEs require an agreement with a servicing area/commissary to ensure that the MFE in conjunction with the servicing area/ commissary area meets the Food Code.
"Outdoor Spaces" means a porch, patio, deck or other structure with less than two contiguous walls that does not require travel through any indoor areas, including for entrance and exit.
"Peak Water Demand" is the quantity of water that the food establishment must have in order to meet all water needs in the food establishment.
"Peak Hot Water Demand" is the quantity of hot water that the food establishment must have in order to meet all hot water needs in the food establishment.
"Private" means a use or function that is intended for a particular individual or group, such as a celebration of a birthday, wedding, anniversary or funeral, and that is not intended for consumers as members of the general public.
"Probable foodborne disease outbreak" means a probable foodborne disease outbreak is defined as an incident in which two or more persons from separate households experience a similar illness after ingestion of a common food or meal, and a specific food or meal is suspected, but person-to-person transmission or other exposures cannot be ruled out.
"Request for Information" or "RFI" means a record produced by the regulatory authority requesting information related to the application for a permit to operate a food establishment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
"Very Low Risk" means a food establishment that:
Amend "Food Establishment" by adding thereto after (1)(b) the following: "(c) meets the physical facilities requirements of this Code."
Amend "Food Establishment" by deleting the words "that are not TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOODS".
Amend "Food Establishment" by adding thereto after (3)(g) the following: "(h) A private catered event." and "(i) A Cottage Food Establishment."
Amend "Food Processing Plant" by deleting the existing text after (1) "Food processing plant" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "means a type of food service establishment that is a commercial operation that processes food for human consumption, and provides processed food for sale and distribution to other business entities such as other food establishments."
Amend "Person in Charge" by deleting the existing definition and replacing it to read as follows: "means the individual present at a food establishment who is responsible for the operation during all hours of food operations."
Amend "Public Water System" to read as follows: "has the meaning stated in 40 CFR 141 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations and is also applicable to those private wells designated by the Division of Public Health as a Miscellaneous Public Well."
Amend "Regulatory authority" by deleting the existing definition and replacing it to read as follows: "means the Secretary, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, or his/her authorized representative."
Amend "Service Animal" by deleting the existing definition and replacing it to read as follows: "as defined under 28 CFR § 35.136 and by the Americans with Disabilities Act."
Amend "Servicing Area" by adding the following after the last sentence: "The servicing area must be within our jurisdiction and reviewed during risk-based inspections. The servicing area must complement any caterer or mobile food establishment to allow the establishment to meet the physical facilities requirements of this Code."
Amend "Temporary Food Establishment" by deleting the existing definition and replacing it to read as follows: "or "TFE" means an alternative food establishment that results in a TFE permit and prepares food for the public, free or for a cost. Events sanctioned to operate by a local or state jurisdiction may operate for up to fourteen (14) consecutive days in conjunction with that single event or celebration. All other non-sanctioned vendors may operate, with each day counting as one event. Vendors are limited to fourteen (14) event permits per calendar year."
"3-305.15 Food Preparation Sink.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 4458-2.0