For the purpose of Section 7.0 of this regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
"Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality" or "AHRQ" means an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that works to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of healthcare for all Americans and supports research that improves the quality of healthcare services.
United States-Department of Health and Human Services public health safety
"Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services" or "CMS" means a branch of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that administers Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program. CMS utilizes a system of payment for operating costs of healthcare facilities based on prospectively set rates. Rulings set forth by CMS have included specifications for use of NHSN for reporting certain healthcare-associated infections and other quality indicators for the purposes of monitoring and improving patient safety and quality of care.
"Correctional facility" means any medical unit operated within any Department of Correction facility in this State.
"Department" means the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.
"Dialysis center" means a facility approved to furnish outpatient dialysis services directly to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients. Outpatient dialysis centers include staff-assisted dialysis (dialysis performed by the staff of the facility). ESRD is the stage of renal impairment that appears irreversible and permanent and requires a regular course of dialysis or kidney transplantation to maintain life.
"Freestanding surgical center" or "FSSC" means a facility that operates exclusively for the purpose of providing surgical services to patients not requiring hospitalization. The term does not include (1) a facility that is licensed as part of a hospital; (2) a facility that provides services or accommodations for patients who stay overnight; or (3) a facility that is used as an office or clinic for the private practice of a physician, podiatrist, or dentist.
"Healthcare-associated infection" or "HAI" means a localized or systemic condition that results from adverse reaction to the presence of an infectious agent or agents or its toxins; and that was not present or incubating at the time of admission to the healthcare facility.
"Healthcare-Associated Infection Advisory Committee" means a group that is appointed by the Secretary of the Department that includes 1 infection control professional who has responsibility for infection control programs from each hospital or health care system in Delaware, 4 infectious disease physicians with expertise in infection control, 1 representative from the Delaware Healthcare Facilities Association, 1 representative of a freestanding surgical center, 1 representative of a dialysis center, 1 representative of a psychiatric facility, and 1 representative from the State Division of Public Health, and the Public Health Healthcare-Associated Infections Specialist responsible for collating and reporting data. The Secretary shall also appoint 8 other members of the Committee including representatives from direct care nursing staff, academic researchers, consumer organizations, health insurers, health maintenance organizations, organized labor, and purchasers of health insurance, such as employers.
"Healthcare-Associated Infection Specialist" means a position established by the Department within the Division of Public Health supporting the functions of 16 Del.C. Ch. 10A. The Healthcare-Associated Infection Specialist must have knowledge of the National Healthcare Safety Network system and skills to appropriately analyze healthcare-associated infection data.
"Healthcare facility" means a correctional facility, dialysis center, freestanding surgical center, hospital, long-term care facility, psychiatric facility, or other facility as defined by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services or the CDC.
"Hospital" means an acute care healthcare facility licensed under 16 Del.C. Ch. 10A.
"Infection preventionist" or "IP" means a registered nurse, physician, epidemiologist, or medical technologist who helps to prevent healthcare-associated infections by isolating source or sources of infections and limiting their spread. The IP systematically collects, analyzes, and interprets health data in order to plan, implement, evaluate, and disseminate appropriate public health practices. The IP also trains healthcare staff through instruction and dissemination of information on infection control practices.
"Long-term acute care facility" or "LTAC" means a long-term care hospital as defined by CMS. CMS defines long-term care hospitals as having an average length of stay of 25 days or more among all patients. Licensed LTACs are denoted by having the last four digits of the facility CMS Certification Number (CCN) between 2000 and 2299.
"Long-term care facility" means an institution such as a nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility that provides healthcare to people who are unable to manage independently in the community.
"National Healthcare Safety Network" or "NHSN" means an internet-based surveillance system that is confidential. It is managed by the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion at the CDC and used for the monitoring events associated with health care. The NHSN provides facilities and states with data needed to identify problem areas, measure progress of prevention efforts, and work toward eliminating healthcare-associated infections. It is the conduit for healthcare facilities to comply with CMS infection reporting requirements.
"Psychiatric facility" means a facility that is primarily engaged in providing, by or under the supervision of a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, psychiatric services for the diagnosis and treatment of persons with mental illness.
"Public Report" means the report provided to healthcare facilities and the public by the Department as set forth in 16 Del.C. § 1003A(b).
"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 4202-7.0
12 DE Reg. 1418 (05/01/09)
15 DE Reg. 1163 (02/01/12)
17 DE Reg. 320 (9/1/2013)
22 DE Reg. 1012 (6/1/2019)
23 DE Reg. 665 (2/1/2020)
24 DE Reg. 791 (2/1/2021)
27 DE Reg. 863 (5/1/2024) (Final)