An amputated part of a human body recovered at an operation or accident may be kept for anatomical purposes and/or disposed of by burial in a cemetery or by cremation in a licensed crematory. If the hospital or institution has facilities for incinerating, the amputated part or parts may be incinerated in such hospital or institution upon the written approval of the patient or next of kin. Where a patient or his next of kin desires such amputated part to be buried in a cemetery or cremated in a licensed crematory, a permit shall be secured by the funeral director from the Office of Vital Statistics upon presentation of a duly executed "Certificate of Amputation".
The director of the hospital or institution wherein the amputation was performed shall have completed a "Certificate of Amputation" on a form furnished by the Department for immediate delivery to the funeral director, who shall file said "Certificate of Amputation" within forty-eight (48) hours with the proper local or deputy registrar. Such "Certificate of Amputation" may be signed by the operating surgeon or by the intern who assisted in the case. No regular death certificate shall be filed for amputated parts.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 4204-10.0