14 Del. Admin. Code § 1035-6.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1035-6.0 - Sanctioning of Competitions
6.1 Purpose of Sanctioning - The purpose of sanctioning an Event is to enhance the likelihood the Event will adhere to the criteria in subsection 6.3, serve to promote sound regulation of the conditions under which students and teams compete, encourage well-managed rules and regulations, add an element of due diligence that encourages Member Schools' compliance with rules and regulations, protect the welfare of student athletes, protect the existing programs sponsored by Member Schools and thereby promote the opportunity for a larger number of student athletes to gain the benefits of interscholastic competition, help to reduce the abuses of excessive competition, promote uniformity in obtaining approval for Events, and help protect students from exploitation.
6.2 Member Schools may participate in Events involving 4 or more schools only if the Event has been sanctioned by DIAA and, if applicable, by the NFHS.
6.3 Events shall be sanctioned by DIAA in accordance with the criteria in subsections 6.3.1 through 6.3.8.
6.3.1 The Event shall not be for determining a state, regional or national champion.
6.3.2 The Event shall be organized, promoted, and conducted by and all profits go to a nonprofit organization. Involvement by a commercial organization shall be limited to providing financial support.
6.3.3 Nonsymbolic competition awards shall have a value of not more than $150 per recipient and shall require the prior approval of the Executive Director.
6.3.4 Nonschool Event organizers shall submit a full financial report to the DIAA office within 90 calendar days of the completion of the Event.
6.3.5 The Event organizer shall submit a list of out of state schools which have been invited to participate in the Event to the DIAA office and such schools shall be subject to approval by the Executive Director.
6.3.6 Out of state schools which are not members of their state athletic association shall verify in writing that their participating athletes are in compliance with their state athletic association's eligibility rules and regulations.
6.3.7 The Event organizer shall not accept financial support or sell advertising to companies involved in the production or distribution of alcohol and tobacco products.
6.3.8 The Event organizer shall comply with all applicable NFHS sanctioning requirements, including that the Event shall be sponsored or co-sponsored by a member school of the host state athletic association.
6.4 In order to compete in Events out-of-state or in a state that does not border Delaware, a Member School shall ensure that the sponsoring institution or agency applied to its home association for sanctioning and DIAA Member Schools are listed as participants.
6.5 Process for Sanctioning
6.5.1 Event Involving DIAA Member Schools Only (Sponsored by DIAA Member School) For an Event that involves only DIAA Member Schools (4 or more) and is sponsored by a DIAA Member School, the sponsoring DIAA Member School shall complete the "Application for Sanction of DIAA Member Schools Only Athletic Event" form. The completed form shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the proposed Event. The Executive Director or designee will determine whether to grant the application.
6.5.2 Event Involving DIAA Member Schools Only (Not Sponsored by DIAA Member School For an Event that involves only DIAA Member Schools (4 or more) and is not sponsored by a DIAA Member School, the organization sponsoring the Event shall complete the "Application for Sanction of DIAA Member Schools Only Athletic Event" form. The completed form shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the proposed Event. The Executive Director or designee will determine whether to grant the application.
6.5.3 Event Involving 1 or more Schools from Bordering States (Sponsored by DIAA Member School) For an Event that involves schools located in Maryland, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey and is sponsored by a DIAA Member School, the sponsoring DIAA Member School shall complete the "Application to State Association for Sanction of Interstate Athletic Event" form. The completed form shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the proposed Event. The Executive Director or designee will determine whether to grant the application.
6.5.4 Out-of-State Event Involving 1 or more DIAA Member Schools For an out-of-state Event involving 1 or more DIAA Member Schools, the state association designee from a border state or NFHS Sanctioning Office shall send the appropriate sanctioning form. The completed form shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the proposed Event. The Executive Director or designee will determine whether to grant the application.
6.6 Participation in a nonsanctioned Event shall result in payment of a $100 fine. A second offense shall result in a $250 fine and loss of eligibility to participate in sanctioned Events for the remainder of the sport season. A third offense shall result in a $500 fine and loss of eligibility to participate in sanctioned Events for the remainder of the school year.

14 Del. Admin. Code § 1035-6.0

26 DE Reg. 202 (9/1/2022)
28 DE Reg. 126 (8/1/2024) (Final)