* Temperature of 101 °F or higher without medication accompanied by behavior changes or symptoms of illness;
* Symptoms of possible severe illness, such as unusual tiredness, uncontrolled coughing, unexplained irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or other unusual signs;
* Diarrhea; two or more times of loose stool during the past 24 hours, or if diarrhea is accompanied by fever, exclude for 48 hours after the symptoms end;
* Blood in stools not due to change in diet, medication, or hard stools;
* Vomiting; two or more times in the past 24 hours, or one time if accompanied by a fever until 48 hours after the symptoms end or until a health care provider determines the vomiting is not contagious and the child is not in danger of dehydration;
* Ongoing stomach pain (more than two hours) or off-and-on pain due to a fever or other symptom;
* Mouth sores with drooling;
* Rash with fever or behavior change;
* Purulent conjunctivitis "pink eye" (defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge), until 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment;
* Scabies, until 24 hours after starting treatment;
* Pediculosis "head lice" or nits, until 24 hours after starting treatment;
* Tuberculosis, as directed by DPH;
* Impetigo, until 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment and sores are dry;
* Strep throat or other streptococcal infection, until 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment;
* Varicella-Zoster "chicken pox," until all sores have crusted and are dry (usually six days);
* Shingles, only if sores cannot be covered by clothing or a bandage; if not, exclude until sores have crusted and are dry;
* Pertussis, until completing five days of antibiotic treatment;
* Mumps, until five days after onset of glandular swelling;
* Hepatitis A virus, until one week after onset of jaundice, or as directed by DPH;
* Measles, until four days after arrival of rash;
* Rubella, until seven days after arrival of rash;
* Herpetic gingivostomatitis "cold sores," if the child is too young to have control of saliva; or
* Unspecified short-term illness, not chronic illness, if the child is unable to participate in activities or the camp cannot provide care for this child and the other children.
14 Del. Admin. Code § 938-III-37.0