Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 938-III-27.0 - Staffing and Qualifications27.1 A licensee shall ensure the camp has a qualified camp director who is at least 21 years old and meets one of the following qualifications: 27.1.1 Has completed a course in camping administration such as one offered by a national professional camping association;27.1.2 Has at least two seasons of previous experience working at a camp; or27.1.3 Qualified as a school-age administrator or an early childhood administrator with specialized training in school-age care per DELACARE: Regulations for Early Care and Education and School-Age Centers (2020).27.2 A licensee shall ensure camp counselors are at least 18 years old.27.3 A licensee shall ensure junior counselors are at least 16 years old and are under the supervision of a camp counselor at all times.27.4 A licensee shall ensure a camp counselor supervises no more than two junior counselors at one time.27.5 When campers participate in specialized or high-risk activities such as, but not limited to, horseback riding, hiking, archery, scuba diving, canoeing, and aquatic events, a licensee shall ensure the counselors supervising the activity have evidence of appropriate training and experience in their program specialties.27.6 A licensee shall ensure aquatic activities, such as, but not limited to, swimming, boating, canoeing, kayaking, and paddle boarding are supervised by individuals currently certified as Red Cross Lifeguards or a nationally recognized equivalent.27.7 A licensee shall ensure the camp has at least two staff present when more than five school-age children are present.27.8 A licensee shall ensure watercraft activities are supervised by a minimum of one counselor on the water to each 10 campers in a watercraft. This counselor shall have proof of participation in three white water canoe or raft trips totaling at least 6 hours on the water or at least six hours of practical instruction in survival and stream safety as taught by the American Red Cross or its equivalent; or one counselor must hold a current American Red Cross Small Craft Certificate.27.9 An individual who is currently certified by a national or regionally acceptable scuba-training program shall supervise scuba diving activities.27.10 An individual who possesses a current certificate as issued by a national or regional professional archery association shall supervise archery activities.27.11 Staff members providing care for children may not be given other duties, such as food preparation, or participate in personal activities, such as using a cell phone, that would interfere with providing care to children. A licensee shall ensure providing care is the primary focus for all direct-care staff members during the hours of operation.27.12 A licensee shall ensure when a camp director resigns or is terminated from employment, a new camp director is hired within 15 business days.14 Del. Admin. Code § 938-III-27.0
25 DE Reg. 172 (8/1/2021) (final)