High School Graduation Requirements and Diplomas
- Section 505-1.0 - Definitions
- Section 505-2.0 - Credit Requirements for the Graduation Class of 2011 (Freshman Class of 2007-2008) through the Graduation Class of 2014 (Freshman Class of 2010-2011)
- Section 505-3.0 - Credit Requirements Beginning with the Graduation Class of 2015 (Freshman Class of 2011-2012)
- Section 505-4.0 - Credit Requirements Beginning with the Graduation Class of 2016 (Freshman Class of 2012-2013)
- Section 505-5.0 - Credit Requirements for State of Delaware Diploma - Beginning with the Graduation Class of 2019 (Freshman Class of 2015-2016)
- Section 505-6.0 - Requirements for State of Delaware - Diploma of Alternate Achievement Standards - Beginning with the Graduation Class of 2019 (Freshman Class of 2015-2016)
- Section 505-7.0 - Career Pathway
- Section 505-8.0 - Options for Awarding Credit Toward High School Graduation
- Section 505-9.0 - Additional Credit Requirements
- Section 505-10.0 - State of Delaware Diplomas and State of Delaware - Diplomas of Alternate Achievement Standards
- Section 505-11.0 - Exceptions for Homeless Youth and Students in DSCYF Custody