Conn. Agencies Regs. § 5-248c-3
During the period of any schedule reduction, an employee's health and life insurance shall continue on the same basis as prior to the schedule reduction.
An employee shall receive seniority credit for unpaid time as a result of a schedule reduction without pro-ration.
An employee shall receive full credit for longevity for unpaid time as a result of a schedule reduction.
An employee on a schedule reduction shall continue to accrue vacation and sick leave at the same rate as prior to the schedule reduction, and shall not lose accruals for any month as a consequence of a schedule reduction.
An employee on a schedule reduction shall be granted time off with pay for any legal holiday which falls on a day when he would otherwise have been scheduled to work. If an employee is required to work on a holiday, he shall be granted a day off in lieu thereof. If a holiday falls on a day when an employee would not have been scheduled to work as a result of a schedule reduction, he/she shall receive pro-rata holiday credit at the rate of twenty percent(20%) of his scheduled weekly hours.
Any benefits to which an employee is entitled under Workers' Compensation Statutes shall not be affected by a schedule reduction.
An employee shall receive full credit for retirement for unpaid time as a result of a schedule reduction, and shall not be required to contribute any sums for that credit.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 5-248c-3