Section 5-263a-2 - Definitions(a) "Agency" means each state board, commission, department or officer, other than town or regional boards of education.(b) "Central office" means the office of the state suggestion program in the department of administrative services.(c) "Central staff" means the central office staff.(d) "State agency suggestion coordinator" means the state employee responsible for coordination of the suggestion program within a state agency.(e) "Suggestion" means a positive, constructive idea based on a specific observation which offers a significant improvement over existing methods, conditions, practices, or other state governmental activity. (1) The suggestion must be directed to the increase of efficiency and economy in the administration and operation of state government through:(A) Increased productivity.(C) Increased efficiency of work operations.(D) Safer or healthier work environments.(E) Improved services to the public.(2) Each suggestion shall be presented in a manner which provides a specific detailed description of: (A) The condition, procedure, or method, now being utilized.(B) The recommended improvement.(C) An explanation of how the suggestion will save the state money, or otherwise benefit the state.(3) General suggestions must be avoided. For example, a suggestion should not merely state that motor vehicle department lines should be speeded up. Such a suggestion should be accompanied by the description of a new method of speeding the lines.(4) Each suggestion should refer to a particular state agency for evaluation and implementation.(f) "Suggestion program administrator" means the administrative head of the state suggestion program and the central office.(g) "Suggestion review panel" means the review panel established by Connecticut General Statutes Section 5-263a(b), which shall evaluate suggestions made under the state suggestion program and make recommendations to the commissioner of administrative services concerning awards.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 5-263a-2
Effective October 25, 1988