Section 4-66c-1 - Application reviewIn reviewing and approving applications pursuant to Subdivision 1 of Subsection (b) of Section 4-66c of the General Statutes, received from eligible municipalities, the Commissioner of Economic Development shall consider the following:
(a) impact of the project on the local neighborhood, region and/or the state;(b) long term economic benefit of the program;(c) impact on the local tax base;(d) potential for job creation and retention;(e) potential for private investments;(f) applicant's financial committment to the project;(g) applicant's ability to implement the project in a timely manner;(h) the relative need for the project and the extent to which the project will advance the purposes set forth in Sec. 4-66b.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 4-66c-1
Effective October 25, 1984