Section 38a-528-8 - Filing requirements(a) All filings of rates and rating schedules shall be accompanied by an actuarial certification demonstrating that expected claims in relation to premiums comply with the loss ratio required by subsection (b) of Section 38a-528 of the General Statutes when combined with actual experience to date. Filings of rate revisions shall also demonstrate that the anticipated loss ratio over the entire future period for which the revised rates are computed to provide coverage can be expected to meet the required loss ratio standard.(b) Insurers shall submit a description of the method used to determine the standard for the payment of policy benefits with each policy form subject to subsection (o) of Section 38a-528-4 which they file for approval.(c) Every insurer, fraternal benefit society, hospital service corporation, medical service corporation or health care center providing group long-term care insurance in this State shall provide a copy of any long-term care insurance advertisement intended for use in this state whether through written, radio or television medium to the Commissioner of Insurance for review or approval to the extent this may be required in accordance with regulations adopted pursuant to Section 38a-819 of the General Statutes. All such advertisements shall be retained as provided in Section 38a-819-18 of these regulations.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-528-8
Effective September 30, 1994