Conn. Agencies Regs. § 30-6a-G2
Current through December 27, 2024
Any holder of a package store permit or a grocery store beer permit that sells keg beer shall post a conspicuous sign at each point of sale to inform the purchaser of the deposit refund policy. The sign shall be at least six by nine inches in size, easily readable by a consumer making a purchase at such point of sale, and shall not contain any additional text including, but not limited to, store or promotional slogans, names or advertising. The sign shall read as follows: "ANY DEPOSIT PAID BY THE PURCHASER FOR THE KEG, IF REQUIRED, SHALL BE FORFEITED IF THE KEG IS RETURNED WITHOUT THE ORIGINAL IDENTIFICATION TAG INTACT AND READABLE." Such statement shall be in capital lettering.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 30-6a-G2