Section 22a-143j-22a - Facility Registration(a) In order to be registered, the facility shall provide the following to the commissioner or such commissioner's authorized representative: (1) Name and address of facility;(2) The name of the owner of the facility;(3) The name of the manager of the facility;(4) Certification from the local building official attesting to the suitability of the facility for a contest or an exhibition;(5) Certification from the local fire marshal attesting to the fact that the facility is in compliance with the fire safety and fire prevention codes; and(6) A full description of the facility's sanitary facilities and emergency medical facilities.(b) Any facility registered under this section shall dispense any beverages to patrons in plastic or paper cups during any bout, contest or exhibition.(c) The registration fee shall be one hundred dollars.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-143j-22a
Effective November 6, 2015