No person, firm or corporation shall import into this state, transport for the purpose of liberation within this state or liberate into the waters of this state live fish or live fish eggs except as hereinafter provided.
Permits issued by the Commissioner under this subsection shall be for a term established by the Commissioner and shall not be transferable. The Commissioner may renew such permits upon receipt of a request for renewal on or before thirty (30) calendar days preceding expiration of such permit. The Commissioner may determine the species, life stages, number of specimens, location and manner of display, confinement, or storage of specimens, and location, timing and method of disposition of any or all specimens under any permit. Each permittee shall report annually to the Commissioner on or before November thirtieth, information on the current status of specimens, results of scientific studies, disposition of specimens and any other information as may be required under said permit. In the event that any of the species listed previously in this subsection are liberated or introduced into any waters of the state, the Commissioner may, in the public interest, order that all such fish as well as any other fish present in such waters be destroyed by whatever means he shall determine is the most practical and in the best public interest.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 26-55-1