Section 22a-209-9 - Solid waste transfer stationsSolid waste transfer stations shall comply with the following permit and operating requirements.
(a) Any person wishing to operate a solid waste transfer station must comply with the permit requirements of Section 22a-209-4 of these regulations.(b) In addition to the application requirements specified in Section 22a-209-4(b), an application for a transfer station permit to construct shall include a copy of any haul-away contract made by a city, town, borough or regional authority for collection, transportation, processing, storage and disposal outside its boundaries of solid wastes generated within its boundaries in accordance with Section 22a-213 of the Connecticut General Statutes.(c)Access.(1) A sign shall be posted at the entrance to the facility which states, at a minimum, the name of the permittee and hours of use of the operation, the authorized users, and required safety precautions.(2) Access to the facility shall be controlled to prevent unauthorized use. Control may be accomplished through use of appropriate fences, gates and signs.(d)Enclosure. A building roofed and enclosed on all sides, or otherwise enclosed to satisfactorily control dust and litter shall be provided.(e)Screening. Screening from view shall be provided for a transfer station located within 500 feet of a residence.(f)Certified operator. An operator certified by the Commissioner in accordance with Section 22a-209-6 of these regulations shall be present at a solid waste transfer station at all times during working hours.(g)Storage.(1) No solid waste shall be stored within the property boundary for a period greater than forty-eight (48) hours with the exception of legal holiday weekends, unless authorized by the Commissioner.(2) A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours storage capacity shall be provided for solid wastes in transfer stations which have a design capacity of more than one hundred (100) tons of solid wastes per eight (8) hour day.(h)Working area. Unloading of solid waste shall take place only within the enclosed structure and/or in designated areas approved in writing by the Commissioner. Scavenging shall be prohibited at the unloading area.(i)Litter control. Solid waste shall be confined to the unloading, loading and handling area. The transfer station and adjacent areas shall be kept clean and reasonably free of litter.(j)Restrictions on certain wastes. Hazardous wastes and special wastes shall be excluded unless plans for special handling have been submitted to the Commissioner and approved in writing.(k)Air quality.(1) Dust and odors resulting from the unloading of solid waste and the operation of the transfer station shall be controlled at all times to assure compliance with the applicable regulations of the Department for the Abatement of Air Pollution.(2) No open burning of solid waste shall be conducted except upon compliance with regulations of the Department for the Abatement of Air Pollution regarding open burning.(l)Fire control.(1) Solid waste which is burning or is at a temperature likely to cause fire or is of a highly flammable or explosive nature shall not be accepted in the transfer station.(2) Adequate equipment shall be provided to control fires, and arrangements made with the local fire protection agency to immediately acquire services when needed. The Solid Waste Management Unit of the Department shall be immediately notified when a fire occurs.(m)Vector control.(1) Conditions shall be maintained that are unfavorable for the harboring, feeding and breeding of vectors.(2) Additional means for controlling and exterminating vectors shall be instituted, whenever necessary in the judgment of the Commissioner to prevent the transmission of disease.(n)Maintenance. Provision shall be made for the routine operational maintenance of the transfer station and appurtenances.(o)Shutdown. If for any reason the transfer station is rendered inoperable, an alternative method approved by the Commissioner shall be available for solid waste disposal. The Department shall be notified within twenty-four (24) hours when such an occasion arises.(p)Measuring procedures. Daily records for transfer stations shall be maintained in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner. Such records shall state measured weights or estimated tonnage of wastes received from each community using the transfer station, total weights from other sources, specific sites to which it was delivered for disposal, and the tonnage of materials removed for resource recovery and markets used. Such records shall be available for inspection by representatives of the Department at any reasonable time. Monthly summaries of these records shall be submitted to the Department no later than ten (10) days after the last day of each quarter of the calendar year.(q)Temporary facilities. The Commissioner shall prescribe guidelines for the design and operation of transfer stations which will operate for a period of less than two (2) years. Such a facility must secure a variance as provided in Section 22a-209-11 of these regulations.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-209-9
Effective February 21, 1985