Current through December 27, 2024
Section 22a-449(c)-11 - Transporter permits(a)Permit Required-Except as provided in Subsection (b), a person shall not transport hazardous wastes in or through the State of Connecticut without having received a permit from the Commissioner.(b)ExclusionsA transporter permit is not required for a generator of hazardous waste who transports via equipment owned by the generator a total of less than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous wastes in a calendar month to an off-site waste facility within the State of Connecticut, providing the facility either has a permit from the Commissioner or is operating under interim status pursuant to Section 22a-449(c) -16 (a) of these regulations.
(c)Term of Permit(1) A permit shall be valid for a fixed term not to exceed five years beginning July first.(2)(A) The Commissioner may issue a permit to a transporter of hazardous waste for a duration that is less than 5 years so that a portion of the permits issued expire each year.(B) The Commissioner shall maintain a written schedule for permit expiration, which shall be based upon the identification numbers assigned pursuant to subdivision (d) (2) of this section.(d)Permit Application(1) All persons transporting hazardous waste in or through the state who hold a permit which expires on June 30 of that calendar year, shall, by March 1 of that year, submit to the Commissioner a separate permit application for each business location.(2) The transporter shall list each vehicle or container used for the transportation of hazardous waste on the application form. Upon granting the transporter permit, the Commissioner will assign each vehicle or container a unique identification number. Bulk shipments by rail or water shall be governed only by 40 CFR Part 263.(e)Suspension or Revocation of Permit(1) Grounds for Suspension or Revocation The Commissioner may suspend or revoke the transport permit for:
(A) Violation of any applicable requirement for transporters of Federal or State statute or regulation or permit terms or conditions;(B) Aiding, abetting or permitting the violation of any provision of the permit or Federal or State statute or regulation;(C) Any action or omission associated with the transport of hazardous waste that could cause a hazard to the public health or the environment;(D) Misrepresentation or omission of a significant fact either in the application for a permit or in information subsequently reported to the Commissioner; or(E) Failure to comply with any order issued by the Commissioner.(2) Procedures for Suspension or Revocation (A) The Commissioner may temporarily suspend, annul or withdraw a hazardous waste transportation permit prior to any hearing when, in his opinion, such action is necessary to protect the public health, domestic livestock or wildlife, or the environment in accordance with Section 4-182(c) Connecticut General Statutes.(f)Transfer of Permits-Permits issued under this part may not be transferred without the approval of the Commissioner.(g)Permit Modifications- (1) Minor Modification-Upon a request by the permittee, the Commissioner may make corrections or changes in the permit that do not significantly alter the nature of the permit.(2) Formal Modification-A request for modification may be made by any interested person or upon the Commissioner's initiative. All requests shall be in writing and shall contain facts or reasons supporting the request.(h)Fees-Each recipient of a new or renewed permit to transport hazardous waste and each applicant for a permit modification involving a change in the type of waste to be transported or a material alteration of a storage facility used by the applicant transporter shall pay the fees specified in section 22a-454-1 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-449(c)-11
Effective November 23, 1988