Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-449(c)-103

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 22a-449(c)-103 - Standards applicable to transporters of hazardous waste
(a)Incorporation by Reference
(1) 40 CFR Part 263 is incorporated by reference in its entirety except as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection and except for the following provisions which are not incorporated:
(A)40 CFR 263.10(f) (which relates to transportation of waste military munitions).
(B)40 CFR 263.12 (which allows transporters to store hazardous waste for a period of ten days without being subject to regulation under 40 CFR Parts 270, 264, 265 and 268).
(C)40 CFR 263.20(h) (which exempts a transporter from complying with 263.20 provided he is transporting waste from a small quantity generator that has a reclamation agreement).
(2) The following provisions are incorporated by reference with the specified changes:
(A)40 CFR 263.10(a)

- at the end of the paragraph add the following: "In addition, transporters transporting hazardous waste pursuant to 40 CFR 262.20(f) shall comply with 40 CFR 263.30 and 40 CFR 263.31."

(B)40 CFR 263.20(g) (4)

-after "United States" add "and send a copy of the manifest to the Commissioner within thirty days of the date the waste left the United States."

(C)40 CFR 263.30(b)

-delete "an official (State or local government or a Federal Agency)" and replace with "the Commissioner or an official of a Federal Agency"

-after "EPA identification numbers" add "or DEP Transporter Permits

-at the end of the paragraph add "The waste must be disposed of in accordance with these regulations."

(D)40 CFR 263.30(c)(1)

- after the telephone number for the National Response Center add "and give notice to the Commissioner, using the 24-hour Emergency Spill Response telephone number at (860) 424-3338 or, if that number is incorrect, the telephone number listed for Emergency Spill Response with the telephone company."

(E)40 CFR 263.31

-after "local officials" add "(to the extent that actions required or approved by local officials are consistent with those required or approved by Federal or State officials)"

(3) 49 CFR Parts 171 through 179 inclusive are incorporated by reference in their entirety.
(4) In addition to the provisions incorporated above, the following more stringent provisions in this section shall apply.
(1) A transporter who stores hazardous waste which is not in or on a vehicle, trailer, or other means of conveyance is subject to these regulations, including but not limited to Sections 104, 105, 106, 108, and 110, with respect to the storage of those wastes.
(2) No transporter may store hazardous waste in or on a vehicle, trailer, or other means of conveyance which is not in transit to the designated facility, for longer than 72 hours without the written approval of the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall not approve any such storage for a period longer than ten days, except by issuance of a permit pursuant to Section 110 of these regulations.
(1) Each vehicle shall display the number of the permit issued by the Commissioner pursuant to section 22a-449(c) -11 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies on the sides and rear of the tank, or waste-carrying portion of the vehicle, in letters and numbers the color of which contrasts with the background and which are at least ten centimeters high.
(2) The Commissioner may inspect vehicles and their contents at any reasonable time.

In addition to any other applicable requirements regarding training, all personnel engaged in the handling or transport of hazardous wastes shall be trained in proper emergency response for the types of waste being transported. Such training shall, at a mimimum, cover: required safety equipment and uses; first aid in the event of accidents with the waste; hazards involved with loading and unloading; the manifest system and the terms used; the physical and chemical properties of the waste being transported; and emergency procedures for the waste being transported.

(e)Financial Responsibility

Each applicant for a permit under section 22a-449(c) -11 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies to transport hazardous waste shall demonstrate that he meets the requirements specified in 49 CFR 387 Subpart A, and each permittee shall continue to meet those requirements throughout the permit term.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-449(c)-103

Effective July 17, 1990; Amended June 27, 2002