Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-339d-2

Current through September 27, 2024
Section 22a-339d-2 - Requirements for grant applications
(a)Level of State Assistance.
(1) The grant to an applicant for a diagnostic feasibility study shall be seventy five percent of the allowable costs. If federal funds are available under the Federal Act in the amount of seventy per cent of the costs, the state grant shall be twenty per cent of the costs. The combined federal and state grant shall not exceed ninety percent of the costs.
(2) The grant to an applicant for a eutrophication abatement program shall be fifty per cent of the costs. If federal funds are available under the Federal Act in the amount of fifty percent of the costs, the state grant shall be twenty five percent of the costs. The combined federal and state grant shall not exceed seventy five percent of the costs.
(3) At least thirty percent of the available funds shall be allocated to diagnostic feasibility studies, unless a sufficient number of applications is not received to utilize this allocation.
(b)Grant Applications. An applicant applying for state funding assistance must file properly executed forms and applications prescribed by the Commissioner. In addition, the following supporting documentation shall be submitted as appropriate:
(1) an application for diagnostic feasibility study funding assistance shall include:
(A) an identification of the lake and a geographic map of the lake watershed;
(B) a baseline study;
(C) copies of all pertinent previous diagnostic feasibility studies;
(D) a statement of the applicant's interest in seeking funding under the Federal Act and the steps taken to obtain such funding;
(E) a plan of study including:
(i) the nature and preliminary scope of the study, including a preliminary schedule for the completion of specific tasks;
(ii) a proposed public participation program including at least one public meeting during the diagnostic portion of the study and one public meeting to present the recommended eutrophication abatement program;
(F) a resolution adopted by the applicant's governing body authorizing a specific person to file the application and execute the agreement for the grant. The resolution must be certified and sealed by the town clerk, lake authority secretary or lake association district clerk;
(G) documented evidence that the applicant's share of funding is in place.
(2) An application for eutrophication abatement funding assistance shall include:
(A) a diagnostic feasibility study meeting all the requirements set forth in subsection (a) of section 22a-xxx-3 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;
(B) if the applicant is seeking funding under the Federal Act, all other information necessary to comply with 40 CFR Part 35 Subpart H;
(C) a statement demonstrating to the Commissioner's satisfaction that the local authorities who will be implementing the eutrophication program have the necessary legal, financial, institutional, and managerial resources to insure proper design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the proposed projects;
(D) proposed subagreements, or an explanation of the intended method of awarding subagreements, for performance of any substantial portion of the project;
(E) a resolution, adopted by the applicant's governing body authorizing a specific person to file the application and execute the agreement for the grant. The resolution must be certified and sealed by the town clerk, lake authority chairman, or lake association district clerk;
(F) any proposed or executed (as determined appropriate by the Commissioner) inter-municipal agreements necessary for the design, construction, operation and maintenance and monitoring of the proposed projects;
(G) a schedule detailing dates for design, construction, and completion of proposed projects;
(H) documented evidence that the applicant's share of funding is in place;
(I) a statement from the applicant's counsel that certifies all necessary easements or rights-of-way have been acquired;
(J) copies of applications for federal, state, and local permits necessary for implementation of the proposed project.
(3) Terms of Funding Assistance.

Grant agreements will be executed as formal contractual agreements between the Department of Environmental Protection and the applicant and shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

(A) the Commissioner may condition grants as he or she deems appropriate;
(B) the Commissioner may require the applicant to establish watershed management practices to prevent the occurrence of eutrophication;
(C) no grant assistance will be allowed for any work performed before a grant award without the prior written approval of the Commissioner;
(D) payment terms will be established by the grant agreement and shall be based on accomplished tasks;
(E) the award of a grant for a diagnostic feasibility study does not constitute a commitment to approval of a subsequent application for a diagnostic feasibility study grant or eutrophication abatement grant;
(F) the Commissioner may require post implementation water quality monitoring reports as a condition of a grant for eutrophication abatement.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-339d-2

Effective July 27, 1988