Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-1-3a

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 22a-1-3a - Basic organization
(a) The Department of Environmental Protection basically consists of (1) the Office of the Commissioner, including a staff services unit and a business administration unit; (2) The Division of Environmental Quality; and (3) the Division of Conservation and Preservation. The Commissioner, with the assistance of his staff, directs overall planning, coordination and control of all Departmental programs, provides a broad range of administrative services to the department and receives, administers, and expends the Department's funds.

The Division of Environmental Quality, under the direction of a Deputy Commissioner, administers and enforces the statutes and regulations governing pollution control within the department's jurisidiction and develops programs to protect the health and well-being of the public through the enhancement of environmental quality. The Division of Conservation and Preservation under the direction of the Deputy Commissioner, manages the natural and recreational resources areas under the direct control of the department, establishes programs to enhance the productivity of the state's natural resources, and provides for management and protection of unique and endangered natural resources.

(b) Definitive statements of the Department's organization, policies, procedures, assignments of responsibility, and delegations of authority will be contained in a Directive Manual. Copies will be available for public inspection in the Business Administration Unit, Department of Environmental Protection, State Office Building, Hartford, Connecticut, and in such other places as the director of administration may arrange.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-1-3a

Effective April 27, 1978