Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-426-2
Sections 22a-426-1 through 22a-426-9, inclusive, and the Classification Maps adopted pursuant to Section 22a-426 of the Connecticut General Statutes, shall be known as the Connecticut Water Quality Standards. The Connecticut Water Quality Standards include three elements: the Standards, Criteria and a series of Classification Maps. The Standards designate use goals and set the overall policy for management of surface water and ground water quality which are necessary to protect and restore water quality. The Criteria include narrative and numeric criteria that prescribe the allowable parameters and conditions for various water quality classifications required to sustain the designated uses. The Classification Maps have been adopted and are amended from time to time pursuant to the statutory process described in section 22a-426 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The Classification Maps show the water quality class assigned to each surface water and ground water resource throughout the state. The maps are used to relate designated uses and the applicable Standards and Criteria for each class of surface and ground water resource to a specific location.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-426-2