Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-37-8
Each person, firm or corporation licensed to buy, sell and/or transport live poultry for food purposes shall provide himself with a poultry sales record book made in duplicate. The record of all sales shall show the following:
(Typical sales slip appears below)
Bought of | ............................. | |
(Name of Seller) | ||
............................. | ||
(Address of Seller) | ||
Date ........ |
No. Birds | Classification Fowl, Broilers, etc. | Total Weight | Price Per Pound | Total Amount |
_____________________________________________________________________ | ||||
_____________________________________________________________________ | ||||
_____________________________________________________________________ | ||||
_____________________________________________________________________ | ||||
_____________________________________________________________________ | ||||
Name of Buyer .......................... | ||||
Address ............................. | ||||
Poultry License No. ............... | ||||
Motor Vehicle Registration No. ......... |
The original copy of each sales slip shall be retained by the seller. The duplicate copy of each sales slip shall be retained by the purchaser for a period of six months after such transaction and shall be open for inspection at all times to the commissioner of agriculture and natural resources or his authorized agents.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-37-8