Section 22-278-A10 - Flock plans(a) Flock plans shall be developed using the USDA/APHIS Scrapie Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules. At a minimum, the flock plan shall include the terms set forth herein. All animals shall be identified with an official animal identification number. No animal shall be sold from the flock for breeding purposes. Only wether lambs or cull animals going directly to slaughter may be sold from the flock. All animals that die for any reason shall be examined by a veterinarian, or the state or federal veterinarian who shall determine the cause of death and submit the appropriate samples to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory, or another approved laboratory, for scrapie diagnosis. Inventories shall be kept of the flock to be reviewed by the state veterinarian.(b) The state veterinarian may include any reasonable measures deemed necessary in the flock plan to prevent and eliminate scrapie, including, but not limited to, mandatory enrollment in the Scrapie Flock Certification Program.(c) The state veterinarian may inspect such flocks and flock records to determine compliance with the flock plan.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-278-A10
Adopted effective September 5, 2007