Section 22-324a-2 - Acceptable methods(a) A disposal pit shall be so constructed as to be vermin proof, with tight fitting covers, and large enough to accommodate daily disposal and comply with the public health code of the state of Connecticut. No disposal pit shall be constructed within seventy-five feet of a well or spring or within fifty feet of a place of human habitation nor shall it be constructed within fifty feet of a tributary of a water supply reservoir or any ground or surface water drain tributary to such reservoir. No disposal pit shall be located within ten feet of a lot line or within twenty-five feet of any stream, pond, lake or tidal water except by specific approval by the local director of health having jurisdiction. The bottom of any such pit shall be at least eighteen inches above maximum ground water level. The minimum size pit for one thousand birds shall be ninety-six cubic feet. The recommended capacity for ten thousand birds is six hundred forty cubic feet.(b) Incineration shall be by continuous firing, and complete destruction of the soft tissues shall be accomplished.(c) Burying shall be permitted only in case of an emergency. At least two feet of earth shall be used for covering the dead birds.(d) No other form of disposal shall be utilized without the permission of the commissioner of agriculture and natural resources.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-324a-2