Section 21a-10-1 - Schedule for license renewalLicenses, certificates, registrations, and permits issued by the Department of Consumer Protection shall be renewed and expire annually pursuant to the following schedule.
(a) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of December and renew on the first day of the month of January: (1) frozen dessert manufacturer-retail;(2) frozen dessert manufacturer-wholesale;(4) license to advertise and sell property in another state;(5) mobile manufactured home park;(6) mobile manufactured home seller;(7) sale of nonlegend drugs;(8) refrigerated locker; and(9) weights and measures dealer and repairer.(b) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of January and renew on the first day of the month of February: (2) community association manager;(3) controlled substance laboratory;(6) professional engineer; and(7) professional engineer and land surveyor.(c) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of February and renew on the first day of the month of March: (1) controlled substance registration for practitioner.(d) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of March and renew on the first day of the month of April: (1) pharmacy technician; and(e) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of April and renew on the first day of the month of May: (1) architect and land surveyor corporation;(2) automatic fire sprinkler system layout technician;(3) bedding - manufacturer;(5) bedding - secondhand dealer;(6) bedding - sterilization;(7) bedding - supply dealer;(8) non water well contractor;(9) non water well driller;(10) professional engineer and architect corporation;(11) professional engineer, architect, and land surveyor corporation;(12) professional engineer and land surveyor corporation;(13) real estate appraiser - certified;(14) real estate appraiser - licensed;(15) real estate appraiser - provisional licensed;(16) real estate appraiser - tenured licensed;(17) water well driller; and(18) water well contractor.(f) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of May and renew on the first day of the month of June: (1) real estate salesperson.(g) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of June and renew on the first day of the month of July: (1) apple juice and cider;(5) manufacturer of controlled substances;(6) manufacturer of drugs, medical devices or cosmetics;(7) non-alcoholic beverage;(10) wholesaler of controlled substances; and(11) wholesaler of drugs, medical devices or cosmetics.(h) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of July and renew on the first day of the month of August: (2) architect corporation;(3) landscape architect; and(4) weights and measurers device.(i) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of August and renew on the first day of the month of September: (1) elevator contractor - all categories and types;(2) elevator journeyman - all categories and types;(3) heating, cooling and piping contractor - all categories and types;(4) heating, cooling and piping journeyman - all categories and types;(5) mechanical contractor;(7) television and radio repair dealer - all categories and types; and(8) television and radio repair technician - all categories and types.(j) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of September and renew on the first day of the month of October: (1) electrical contractor - all categories and types;(2) electrical journeyman - all categories and types; and(k) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of October and renew on the first day of the month of November: (1) fire protection contractor - all categories and types;(2) fire protection journeyman - all categories and types;(3) plumbing contractor - all categories and types;(4) plumbing journeyman - all categories and types;(5) motor fuel quality; and(6) retail gasoline dealer.(l) Licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits that expire annually on the last day of the month of November and renew on the first day of the month of December: (1) home improvement contractor; and(2) home improvement salesman.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 21a-10-1
Effective January 3, 1995; Amended February 22, 2000; Amended March 7, 2008