Section 21a-86a-4 - Identification of complying plumbing fixtures(a) Sufficient information shall be shown on the outside of the shipping carton for any fixture described in these regulations to permit the determination of whether the fixture complies with the requirements of these regulations. The appropriate measure of water use/flow rate or the model number as it has been certified may be used for this purpose and shall be deemed as providing sufficient information to determine compliance. Additionally, the actual tested flow/use rate, or other conspicuous marking approved by the Commissioner, shall be marked on each fixture sold or offered for sale at retail, either by means of a permanent marking on the fitting or on a label attached to the fitting and also on the unit carton in which the fitting is offered for retail sale.(b) The Commissioner or his/her representative may require additional information if necessary to permit determination of compliance.(c) The manufacturer's name or brand name shall appear on each fixture.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 21a-86a-4