Section 21a-115-13 - Standards of identity and quality for egg nog beverage(a) For the purpose of this section the term "milk products" means milk fat and milk solids not fat, made from pure, wholesome, unadulterated pasteurized milk.(b) The term "egg nog" means a clean, wholesome food product, made from two or more of the following ingredients: (1) Milk products; (2) eggs; (3) sucrose and/or dextrose;(4) spices;(5) wholesome edible stabilizer;(6) salt.(c) Optional ingredients may include: (1) Harmless artificial flavor; (2) harmless artificial color.(d) Egg nog shall contain not less than six per cent by weight of milk fats, not less than one per cent by weight of egg yolk solids, not more than one-half of one percent by weight of stabilizer and not more than fifty thousand standard plate colonies of bacteria per gram.