Current through December 27, 2024
Section 19a-428-5 - Health Care(a) A physician or advanced practice registered nurse shall be on call and shall be responsible for all health care including first aid. Annually the physician or advanced practice registered nurse shall sign and date standing orders to be carried out in the physician's or advanced practice registered nurse's absence by the youth camp nurse, or first aid instructions to be carried out by a person at least twenty-one years of age who holds current certification in first aid by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, the National Safety Council, American Safety and Health Institute or Medic First Aid International, Inc. Additional aides under age twenty-one may be employed to provide first aid if they hold current certification in first aid by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, the National Safety Council, American Safety and Health Institute or Medic First Aid International, Inc., but shall not be in charge of or provide health care. Any first aid course approved by the Office prior to January 6, 2016, shall continue to be acceptable for purposes of this subsection. All youth camp health care personnel shall hold current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation appropriate to the population served by the youth camp and issued by an organization identified in section 19a-79 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Acceptable first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certifications shall be based on a hands-on demonstration of the individual's ability to provide first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. For residential youth camps having two hundred fifty or more campers or staff in residence, a registered nurse shall be in charge of first aid and emergency medical care activities. First aid equipment and supplies shall be specified by the youth camp physician or advanced practice registered nurse in the first aid instructions. Only nonprescription drugs shall be available in stock containers in youth camps. Prescription drugs shall be available only on individual prescription unless locked and in the sole custody of an authorized prescriber. The physician or registered nurse shall maintain proof of use records as required under section 21a-254 of the Connecticut General Statutes.(b) Communicable disease control shall meet the requirements of sections 19a-36-A3 and 19a-36-A4 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.(c) There shall be on file a memorandum of understanding with the on-call or resident physician or advanced practice registered nurse concerning the provision of medical care for emergencies and of routine care to be carried out at the youth camp, including standing orders for the nurse, if there is one, and instructions for the provision of first aid in lieu of a resident physician or nurse, for both day and residential youth camps.(d) There shall be a working telephone available to the first aid area for the use of the first aid staff, with posting of the telephone numbers of the youth camp physician or advanced practice registered nurse, youth camp director, youth camp nurse, nearest hospital, local director of health in whose jurisdiction the youth camp falls, local fire department in whose jurisdiction the youth camp falls, local police department in whose jurisdiction the youth camp falls, the poison control center, and ambulance services.(e) An abstract record of all cases treated at the youth camp shall be kept in a manner that prevents alteration of the information contained in the record such as a bound volume. The abstract record shall include the date, time, circumstances that resulted in the case, the condition, treatment provided and persons responsible for the care. At least once a week these cases shall be reviewed by the youth camp physician or advanced practice registered nurse who shall sign and date the abstract record indicating the physician or advanced practice registered nurse's review of cases.(f) There shall be available a defined area where ill or injured individuals may rest and receive care until they are either removed from the youth camp or recovered. This area shall be adequate to provide for the temporary isolation of any suspected communicable diseases and shall have its own toilet facilities not used for other purposes within the youth camp.(g) Any (1) fatality that occurs at the youth camp or results from camping activities, or (2) injury that occurs at the youth camp or results from camping activities that result in a camper being admitted to a hospital or diagnosed with a fracture, concussion or second or third degree burn, shall be reported in writing to the Office not later than the next business day.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-428-5
Effective September 25, 2017; amended 6/13/2022