Current through December 27, 2024
Section 19a-428-3 - Records(a) Records of both staff and campers shall be kept on file at the youth camp and shall include the personal data concerning each member of the staff and camper kept in any reasonable form the youth camp director may choose. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, the name, age and address of the staff member or camper, the name, address and telephone numbers including the business telephone number of the parent or an adult next of kin who shall be notified in an emergency, the date of first attendance at the youth camp and the date of leaving the youth camp permanently in the case of residence youth camps, or the last date of attendance at the youth camp in the case of day camps, and a physical examination or health status certification by a physician, an advanced practice registered nurse or a physician assistant dated not more than thirty-six months prior to the date of arrival at the youth camp or a health status certification by a registered nurse dated not more than thirty-six months prior to the date of arrival at the youth camp. The physical examination or the health status certification shall include a statement about the child's general health and the presence of any known medical or emotional illness or disorder that poses a risk to other children or which affects the child's functional ability to participate safely in a youth camp. The physical examination and health assessment form, as described in section 10-206 of the Connecticut General Statutes, that is required for school purposes may be used to satisfy the physical examination or health status certification required in this subsection. The record for each camper shall include information regarding disabilities or special health care needs such as, allergies, special dietary needs, dental problems, hearing or visual impairments, chronic illness, developmental variations or history of contagious disease, and an individual plan of care for a camper with special health care needs or disabilities, developed with the child's parent(s) and health care provider and updated, as necessary. Such plan of care shall include appropriate care of the camper in the event of a medical or other emergency and shall be signed by the parent(s) and staff responsible for the care of the camper. The physical examination or the health status certification may be waived where such procedure is contrary to the religious beliefs of the camper or parent(s). A statement requesting such exemption shall be submitted annually and shall be kept on file at the youth camp. This statement shall be signed by a parent, and shall grant permission to youth camp authorities to authorize physical examination or other appropriate measures when medical emergencies occur. The parent shall certify and accept complete responsibility for the health of the camper and that to the best of the parent's knowledge the camper is in good health. The physical examination for staff and campers who are school age or younger shall include documentation that they have been adequately immunized according to the schedule adopted by the Commissioner of Public Health pursuant to section 19a-7f of the Connecticut General Statutes. A physical examination and health assessment form, as described in section 10-206 of the Connecticut General Statutes, that is required for school purposes, may be used to satisfy the immunization requirement of this subsection provided it is dated not more than thirty-six months prior to the date the camper arrives at the youth camp. Where the individual, because of medical reasons, does not have such immunizations, these reasons shall be so specified in writing by a physician, physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse indicating that the child has a medical contraindication to immunization. Where the individual or the parent(s) of such child, because of religious reasons, does not have such immunizations, these reasons shall be so specified in a written statement that shall be updated annually, signed by the child's parent(s), and acknowledged by a judge of a court of record or a family support magistrate, a clerk or deputy clerk of a court having a seal, a town clerk, a notary public, a justice of the peace, or an attorney admitted to the bar of this state. If a child is determined to be a homeless child or youth, as defined in 42 USC 11434a, as amended from time to time, the youth camp shall allow the child to attend the youth camp for up to 90 days without the required physical examination or health status certification and immunization records. Records documenting temporary waiver eligibility determinations shall be maintained on file at the youth camp for a period of two years.(b) The licensee shall notify the commissioner in writing as soon as possible, but not later than five business days after the date of any change in circumstances, which alters or affects the youth camp services as stated in the license application. The licensee shall report changes in circumstances that include, but are not limited to, change in location of the youth camp, change in operational dates of the youth camp, change in trip dates, and change in youth camp director.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-428-3
Effective September 25, 2017