Section 19a-332a-1 - DefinitionsThe following definitions shall apply for the purpose of Section 19a-332a-1 to Section 19a-332a-16 inclusive.
(a) "Adequately wetted" means sufficiently mixed or coated with water, amended water or an aqueous solution; or the use of a removal encapsulant to prevent dust emissions;(b) "Amended Water" means water to which a chemical wetting agent or removal encapsulant has been added to improve penetration;(c) "Asbestos" means the asbestiform varieties of actinolite, amosite, anthophyl-lite, chrysotile, crocidolite and tremolite;(d) "Asbestos Abatement" means the removal, encapsulation, enclosure, renovation, repair, demolition or other disturbance of asbestos-containing materials, but does not include activities which are related to (A) the removal or repair of asbestos cement pipe and are performed by employees of a water company as defined in Section 25-32a of the Connecticut General Statutes or (B) the removal of nonfriable asbestos-containing material found exterior to a building or structure other than material defined as regulated asbestos- containing material in 40 CFR 61, the national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, as amended from time to time;(e) "Asbestos Abatement Project" means any asbestos abatement performed within a facility involving more than three (3) linear feet or three (3) square feet of asbestos-containing material;(f) "Asbestos Abatement Worker" means any employee of a licensed asbestos contractor who engages in asbestos abatement, has completed a training program approved by the department and has been issued a certificate by the department;(g) "Asbestos Abatement Site Supervisor" means any employee of a licensed asbestos contractor who has been specifically trained as a supervisor in a training program approved by the department and who has been issued a certificate by the department;(h) "Asbestos-Containing Material" (ACM) means material composed of asbestos of any type and in an amount greater than one percent by weight, either alone or mixed with other fibrous or nonfibrous material;(i) "Asbestos Contractor" means any person engaged in asbestos abatement whose employees actually perform the asbestos abatement work and who has been issued a license by the commissioner;(j) "Authorized Asbestos Disposal Facility" means a location approved for handling and disposing of asbestos waste by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection or by an equivalent regulatory agency if the material is disposed of outside the State of Connecticut;(k) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Public Health or his/her authorized agent;(l) "Conn OSHA" means the Connecticut Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Division;(m) "Demolition" means the wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together with any related handling operations or the intentional burning of any facility;(n) "Department" means the Connecticut Department of Public Health;(o) "DEP" means the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection;(p) "Emergency Asbestos Abatement Project" means an asbestos abatement project which was not planned but results from a sudden unexpected event. This includes operations required by non-routine failures of equipment;(q) "Emergency Demolition" means a demolition operation ordered by an authorized state or local official, that if not immediately attended to presents a safety or public health hazard;(r) "Encapsulation" means the treatment of asbestos-containing material with a material that surrounds or embeds asbestos fibers in an adhesive matrix to prevent the release of fibers as the encapsulant creates a membrane over the surface (bridging encapsulant) or penetrates the material and binds its components together (penetrating encapsulant);(s) "EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency;(t) "Enclosure" means the construction of an air-tight, impermeable, permanent barrier around asbestos-containing material to control the release of fibers into the air;(u) "Facility" means any private or public building or structure including but not limited to those used for institutional, residential (including single family homes), commercial or industrial purposes and vessels while ashore or in drydock;(v) "Facility Owner" means the person or entity having title to the facility. For purposes of publicly owned property only, the Facility Owner shall be defined to be the chief executive officer of the federal, state or municipal agency which owns or controls the use of the facility;(w) "Friable Asbestos-Containing Material" means any asbestos-containing material that hand pressure can crumble, pulverize, or reduce to powder when dry and non-friable asbestos-containing material that potentially can be broken, crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder as a result of asbestos abatement;(x) "Glove Bag" means a manufactured polyethylene bag type of enclosure with built-in gloves, such as is placed with an air-tight seal around asbestos- containing material and which permits the asbestos-containing material contained by the bag to be removed without releasing asbestos fibers to the atmosphere;(y) "Individual" means any human being;(z) "Non Friable Asbestos-Containing Material" means any asbestos-containing material that hand pressure can not crumble, pulverize or reduce to powder when dry;(aa) "OSHA" means the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor;(bb)"Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, sole proprietorship, the State of Connecticut or any of its political subdivisions, or any other entity;(cc) "Removal" means the taking out or stripping of any asbestos-containing materials from surfaces or structural components of a facility;(dd) "Renovation" means altering, in any way other than demolition, one or more structural components. Operations in which load-supporting structural members are taken out are excluded;(ee) "Repair" means the restoration of damaged asbestos-containing material; including but not limited to the sealing, patching, enclosing or encapsulating of damaged asbestos-containing material to prevent fiber release;(ff) "Spot Repair" means any asbestos abatement performed within a facility involving not more than three (3) linear feet or three (3) square feet of asbestos containing material;(gg) "Structural Component" means any pipe, duct, boiler, tank, reactor, turbine, furnace or other component at or in a facility or any structural member of a facility;(hh) "Structural Member" means any load-supporting member of a facility such as beams and load-supporting walls or any non-load supporting member, such as ceilings and non-load supporting walls;(ii) "Visible Residue" means any debris or dust on surfaces in areas within the enclosed work area where asbestos abatement has taken place and which is visible to the unaided eye. All visible residue is assumed to contain asbestos;(jj) "Work Area" means the specific area or location where the actual asbestos abatement work is being performed or such other areas of a facility which the Commissioner determines may be hazardous to public health as a result of such asbestos abatement.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-332a-1
Effective December 27, 1990; Amended April 5, 2001; Amended March 8, 2004