Section 19a-2a-8 - Vital records data system(a)General nature and purpose(1) Location. The vital records data system is located at 410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.(2) Format. Personal data in the vital records data system is maintained in both automated and manual forms.(3) Purpose. The purpose of the vital records data system is to collect and preserve data concerning vital events occurring in Connecticut for: (A) public health surveillance;(B) health program development; and(C) individuals seeking certified copies of vital records and other data as allowed by the Connecticut General Statutes.(4) Official responsible. The registrar of vital records is located at 410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut, and is responsible for the supervision of the statewide vital records data collection system. Requests for disclosure or amendment of the records in the system should be directed to this official.(5) Routine sources. Personal data in the vital records system is routinely obtained from: (B) funeral directors; and(6) Legal authority. The legal authority for the vital records data system is Connecticut General Statutes, sections: (b)Categories(1) The personal data in the vital records data system includes but is not necessarily limited to: (D) social security number;(E) name of mother and father;(M) social and medical risk factors; and(2) The vital records system consists of the vital records of people who are born, marry, or die in Connecticut. The vital records system also includes records of persons born in another country and adopted by residents of Connecticut.(c)Uses(1) Routine uses (A) Users. Routine users include: (i) genealogical researchers;(iii) the federal government;(B) Purpose. The department uses the vital records data system for:(i) community-based planning;(ii) statistical research regarding public health surveillance; and(iii) assisting the United States Census Bureau and the Department of Public Health in making population estimates.(2) Retention. Records in each personal data system are maintained in accordance with retention schedules established or approved by the Connecticut State Library, Office of the Public Records Administrator, pursuant to section 11-8a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Retention schedules shall be maintained on file at the office of the official responsible for the data system and may be examined during normal business hours.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-2a-8
Adopted effective August 24, 1995; Amended January 3, 2011