Conn. Agencies Regs. tit. 19, 24, app A
Quantities of Radioactive Materials Exempted from Registration Requirements
Materials in Sealed Sources Radioactive materials in sealed sources not exceeding 1 millicurie for a given installation.
Materials Not in Sealed Sources
Pb210, Ra226, Ac227, Pu239, Am241, Cm242, Po210, At211, U233
Sc46, Co60, Sr90, Ag105, Ru106, Te129, I131, Cs137, Ce144, Eu154, W181, Re183, Ir192
P32, C136, Ca45, Sc47, Sc48, V48, Fe59, Zn65, Ga72, As76, Rb86, Sr89, Y91, Nb95, Tc96, Rh105, Cd109, Ag111, Sn113, Te127, Ba140, La140, Pr143, Sm151, Ho166, Tm170, Lu177, Ta182, Pt191, Pt193, Au198, Au199, Tl200, Pb203, Tl204, Th234
H3, Be7, C14, Na24, S35, K42, Cr51, Fe55, Mn56, Ni59, Gu64, Ge71, Mo99, Pd103, Pm147, Ir190, Au196, Tl201, Tl202; natural uranium; natural thorium. 5. Not more than 10 microcuries of any one or of any combination of any radioactive materials not specified above.
Conn. Agencies Regs. tit. 19, 24, app A