This section describes the Connecticut Department on Aging requirements for reauthorization of carry-over balances and the timing of spending down of prior year's funds.
Carry-over funds may represent obligated, but unspent funds, as well as funds not obligated at year end. For such funds to be available for expenditure in a subsequent fiscal year, the Connecticut Department on Aging must reauthorize, in the subsequent area plan, such funds for an area agency to obligate and expend. Authority for such reauthorization of funds must be requested by an area agency on aging. Approval of such carry-over funds will only be granted by the Connecticut Department on Aging for specific uses and for a delineated period of time.
In order to minimize the number of separate-year reportings, area agencies on aging should, to the extent not inconsistent with the applicable cost principles, spenddown and closeout prior year's funding before spending down subsequent year's funds. In circumstances where implementation of this policy is not feasible, the area agency on aging should request from the Connecticut Department on Aging that any significant amounts of prior year's obligated, but unspent funds be reauthorized in a subsequent year.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-306-37