Section 17-226d-10 - Employee assistance, community awareness, prevention and intervention programs(a)Employee assistance programs(1) Each Employee Assistance program shall at a minimum have and utilize the following written materials:(A) A detailed written description of all services which the program is able to provide to local business and industry in the geographical area served by the program.(B) A written fee structure for all services which the program offers.(C) A written sample contract for the program's services.(D) A written description of the program's marketing strategy which identifies specific program objectives and describes how the program will meet these objectives.(E) A written plan for record keeping and program evaluation which at a minimum measures the achievement of program objectives.(2) Each Employee Assistance program shall document the services it provides through: (A) Written summaries of its marketing activities which indicate how the activities relate to its marketing strategy;(B) Copies of all contracts which the program has executed with business and industry; and,(C) A written outline of the training sessions conducted with managers and supervisors employed by businesses and industries which have contracted for the program's services.(b)Community awareness programs(1) Each Community Awareness program shall be composed of three component services: (A) Public Information Services through such activities as health fairs, distribution of informational pamphlets, film or book-lending libraries, public service announcements and speaker's bureaus; by which the program shall attempt to increase community awareness of a broad range of issues related to substance abuse.(B) Educational Services through formal, structured presentations during which the program shall attempt to impart specific knowledge related to substance abuse to an identified target audience; and,(C) Referral Services through which the program shall provide assistance in locating appropriate services for persons with service needs related to substance abuse;(2) Each Community Awareness program shall prepare a written annual plan which shall include a description of the program and of the specific activities it intends to engage in, the staff who will participate in such activities and the relationship of each activity to the program's goals and objectives.(3) Each Community Awareness program shall document the services it provides through the following means:(A) Written summaries of any activities undertaken by the program including copies of any printed material, press releases and such other material as may demonstrate the nature and scope of services.(B) Written description of any educational presentations made by program staff including the date on which the presentation was made, the place where it was made, the audience to which it was directed, an estimate of the number of participants and a brief summary of the content of the presentation.(C) A log of all referrals made by the program.(c)Prevention(1) Each Prevention program shall prepare a written annual plan which shall include: (A) a description of the program's goals and objectives.(B) a description of the target population the program intends to serve.(C) a description of the activities the program intends to engage in and their relationship to the program's goals and objectives.(D) a list of the staff and a description of the tasks they will fulfill.(E) a description of the procedures the program will use for evaluating its activities.(2) Each Prevention program shall have a written policy and procedure for referrals of service recipients as part of a comprehensive continuum of care. Such policy shall include maintaining a list of referral sources which is periodically updated.(3) Each Prevention program shall document the services it provides in each of the following ways which is compatible with the services it offers:(A) written material used for recruitment of service recipients,(B) written summaries of demographic data if such data is obtained from persons who have received program services,(C) copies of curricula or training materials used by the program,(D) pre and post course test results or service recipient evaluations of training sessions given by the program,(E) summaries of training or educational activities, and(F) training or educational activity schedules, and attendance lists if such lists are customarily obtained during such activities.(d)Intervention programs(1) Each Intervention Program shall prepare a written annual plan which shall include: (A) a description of the program's goals and objectives,(B) a description of the activities the program intends to engage in and their relationship to the program's goals and objectives,(C) a list of the staff and a description of the tasks they will fulfill, and(D) a description of the procedures the program will use for evaluating its activities.(2) Each Intervention program shall have written criteria and procedures for recruitment and screening of service recipients. Such criteria shall include: (A) a description of the target population from which the program will attempt to recruit service recipients,(B) a description of how the program will attempt to recruit such persons,(C) samples of any materials used by the program in its recruitment efforts, and(D) a written selection procedure which shall include a description of the criteria used to screen and select individuals who will most closely match the program's goals.(3) Referrals (A) Each Intervention program shall have and utilize a written policy and procedure for referrals of service recipients as part of a comprehensive continuum of care. Such policy shall include, but need not be limited to:(i) A description of the circumstances or conditions under which a referral shall be made.(ii) A description of the circumstances and conditions under which members of a service recipient's immediate family may be referred to other organizations or service providers.(iii) A procedure by which persons inappropriate for the services of an intervention program are referred to other services which can better meet their service needs.(B) Each Intervention program shall maintain a list of referral sources and resources which is periodically updated.(C) Each Intervention program shall maintain a written log of all referrals made by the program.(4) Each Intervention program shall document the services it provides through one or more of the following ways which is compatible with services it offers: (A) Written material used for recruitment or selection of service recipients;(B) Written summaries or demographic data obtained from persons who have received program services;(C) The program's log of referrals;(D) A record shall be kept for each service recipient who receives short-term counseling or crisis intervention. Such record shall include but need not be limited to: (i) demographic information including but not necessarily limited to: name, home address, telephone number, date of birth, sex, race/ethnicity, marital and family status, employment status, employer and education;(ii) a description of the immediate problem which resulted in the Intervention services being sought;(iii) a counselor's assessment of the service recipient's needs;(iv) a summary of counseling sessions and the dates on which they occurred;(v) the date on which the service recipient's relationship with the program ended and the resolution of the immediate problem which required the short-term counseling; and,(vi) a confidentiality form signed by the service recipient and a release of information form signed by the service recipient if information concerning the service recipient was released by the program.(E) Summaries of hotline activities including a log of calls received by the program.(5) Each person who receives services from an Intervention program shall receive a brief orientation to the program in accordance with a written orientation policy and procedure. The orientation shall include but need not be limited to explaining in language understandable to the service recipient:
(A) The program's approach to services, goals and objectives;(B) The services offered by the program and through referral by other service providers;(C) The program's hours of operation;(D) The fee policy, fee schedule and the fact that no person shall be denied services because of his inability to pay for such services;(E) The program's expectations of the service recipient;(F) The protections and restrictions which derive from state and federal confidentiality requirements; and,(G) The program's rules and procedures and the consequences of infractions of such rules.(6) Each Intervention program shall have and utilize a written policy and procedure for obtaining an assessment and history of all persons who receive counseling from the program to determine whether the service recipient meets the program's criteria for such counseling service.(7) Each service recipient who receives more than two sessions of counseling is deemed to be receiving treatment and the awardee must comply with the requirements of Section 17-226d-6 in providing such services.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17-226d-10
Effective September 20, 1984