Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17-2a-4
Immediately upon receipt of a request for a fair hearing, the hearing officer shall schedule the hearing to be held within thirty days from the date of the request. The request shall be acknowledged by a letter to the appellant which shall inform him of the date, time and place scheduled for the hearing. If the date, time or place scheduled for the hearing is not convenient to the appellant, the hearing shall be rescheduled to suit the mutual convenience of the appellant and the department representatives. A fair hearing may also be rescheduled by the hearing officer to suit the convenience of the department representatives, in which case reasonable advance notice shall be given to the individual requesting the hearing. When a hearing is rescheduled, the new date, time and place shall be confirmed in writing.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17-2a-4
Per R.C.S.A., (Supplement 89 edition) and Secretary of the State Regulation File # 1134, §§ 17-2a-1 through 17-2a-12, inclusive, published in the Connecticut Law Journal, April 4, 1967; disapproved by the interim regulation review committee, effective February 13, 1968; reinstated as effective in accordance with § 4-48a of the 1969 Supplement to the General Statutes as of the adjournment sine die of the 1969 session of general assembly. (February 18, 2015)