Section 16a-32-2 - Application for an interim change(a) In accordance with section 16a-32(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes, the secretary may undertake changes in the Policies Plan upon the secretary's own initiative, or upon application of the chief executive officer of a municipality or any owner of real property or any person with interest therein on which a change is proposed. In the case of a municipality, the applicant shall be the chief executive officer of the municipality with approval of the legislative body of such municipality. No application for an interim change from a municipality may be submitted unless the municipality in which the change is being proposed has a plan of conservation and development that has been updated in accordance with section 8-23 of the Connecticut General Statutes.(b) An application for an interim change shall be filed in triplicate with the Secretary.(c) An application for an interim change which involves a change in the text of the Policies Plan shall be expressed in the following way:(1) Cite page number(s) where the interim change(s) is requested.(2) Copy the entire paragraph(s) verbatim where the interim change(s) is requested, placing brackets around any existing text proposed to be deleted and inserting in the appropriate places any proposed new text, with under-scoring. In the case of a proposed change to a chapter heading, subheading, category title, or other terminology, include the present wording and a clear explanation of the proposed change.(d) An application for an interim change which involves a change in the map shall be expressed in the following way: (1) On the appropriate United States Geological Survey topographic series map(s), scale of 1:24,000 (1" = 2000'), depict the land area or areas for which a change in land category is requested. Identify each geographical area so depicted with a reference letter or number.(2) Cite each change requested, by the reference letter described in (1) above, identify the present land category as shown on the map and name the land category requested.(e) An application for an interim change shall be accompanied by a narrative containing the reasons for the request, including any supporting documentation.(f) An application for an interim change submitted by the chief executive officer of a municipality in accordance with subsection (a) of this section shall include evidence in writing of the opinion of the planning commission of the municipality regarding the interim change request.(g) An applicant may remove his application at any time, without prejudice.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16a-32-2
Effective March 6, 1980; Amended March 8, 2007; Transferred from § 16a-24b-2, October 2, 2007