Section 16a-41(b)-7 - Crisis assistance for CEAP and SAFASubject to the availability of funds, crisis assistance will be provided within the following restrictions.
(a)Type I Crisis Assistance - To receive a one-time crisis assistance payment, an applicant household shall be without or within a week of being without its primary deliverable heating fuel and file and sign an application for assistance. For those applicant households who are determined eligible, the total amount of crisis assistance provided shall be deducted from their heat benefits. For those applicant households who are determined ineligible, the total amount of crisis assistance shall be repaid to the service provider agency. Service provider agencies shall arrange for the delivery to the applicant household's dwelling within 24 hours of the request.
Service provider agencies are not required to provide this assistance if the applicant household is found ineligible within 24 hours of the request.
(b)Type II Crisis Assistance - To receive a crisis assistance benefit, a service recipient household shall have exhausted their heat benefits and be without or within one week of being without its primary deliverable fuel. To receive Type II Crisis Assistance, service recipient households shall sign a statement attesting to the veracity of their crisis situation and allow for an inspection/energy audit of their dwelling unit, within the extent of their legal power to do so. Income eligibility redetermination will not be required to receive Type II Crisis Assistance.
Service provider agencies shall arrange for the delivery to the service recipient's dwelling within 24 hours of the request.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16a-41(b)-7