Current through December 27, 2024
Section 15-121-B16 - Vessel restrictions on state-owned lakes and ponds(a) Motorboats shall not be operated at a speed in excess of eight miles per hour and no person shall water-ski or operate a vessel towing a water-skier on the following state-owned lakes and ponds unless specified in subsection (b) of this section: (3) Babcock Pond, Colchester;(4) Beachdale Pond, Voluntown;(5) Beseck Lake, Middlefield;(6) Burr Pond, Torrington;(7) Dooley Pond, Middletown;(8) Eagleville Lake, Coventry and Mansfield;(9) Gorton Pond, East Lyme;(10) Halls Pond, Ashford and Eastford;(12) Higganum Reservoir, Haddam;(13) Holebrook Pond, Hebron;(14) Hopeville Pond, Griswold;(15) Mono Pond, Columbia;(16) Morey Pond, Ashford and Union;(17) North Farms Reservoir, Wallingford;(18) Park Pond, Winchester;(19) Pataconk Lake, Chester, and in addition, the use of internal combustion engines is prohibited during the months of July and August;(20) Pattagansett Lake, East Lyme;(21) Pickerel Lake, Colchester and East Haddam;(22) Powers Lake, East Lyme;(23) Silver Lake (Peat Works Pond), Berlin and Meriden;(24) Tetreault Pond, Killingly;(25) Winchester Lake, Winchester; and(26) Wyassup Lake, North Stonington.(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from June fifteenth to the Sunday following Labor Day, inclusive, motorboats on Amos Lake, Beseck Lake, Pattagansett Lake, Pickerel Lake, Wyassup Lake and Silver Lake may be operated at speeds in excess of eight miles per hour and persons may water-ski or operate a vessel towing a water-skier. With respect to Wyassup Lake, however, no person shall water-ski or operate a vessel towing a water-skier between the islands and the east shore.(c) No person shall use and no owner shall allow the use of an internal combustion engine to propel a vessel on the following state-owned lakes and ponds: (2) Bishops Swamp, Andover;(3) Black Pond, Meriden and Middlefield;(4) Breakneck Pond, Union;(5) Brewster Pond, Lebanon;(6) Crystal Lake, Middletown;(7) Green Falls Reservoir, Voluntown;(8) Griggs Pond, Woodstock;(9) Hampton Reservoir, Hampton;(11) Howells Pond, Hartland;(12) Huntington State Park Ponds (all waters within the boundaries of Collis P. Huntington State Park), Redding and Bethel;(13) Messerschmidt's Pond, Deep River, Westbrook;(14) Millers Pond, Durham;(15) Pine Acres Lake, Hampton;(16) Ross Pond, Killingly;(17) Savin Lake, Lebanon;(18) Stillwater Pond, Torrington;(19) Wauregan Reservoir, Killingly; and(20) Wintergreen Lake, Hamden.(d) No person shall use and no owner shall allow the use of an internal combustion engine or an electric motor on the following state-owned lakes and ponds: (1) Barber Pond, Bloomfield;(2) Beaver Brook Pond (Bibbins Pond), Windham;(3) Dodge Pond, East Lyme; and(4) Mohawk Pond, Cornwall and Goshen.(e) Except as otherwise specified herein, no person shall use and no owner shall allow the use of a vessel on the following state-owned lakes and ponds: (1) Barber Pond, Bloomfield. Provided that from May sixteenth to October thirty-first, manually propelled vessels may be used;(2) Beaver Brook Pond (Bibbin Pond), Windham. Provided that from May sixteenth to October thirty-first, manually propelled vessels may be used;(3) Black Rock Pond, Watertown;(4) Day Pond, Colchester;(5) Gay City Pond, Hebron;(6) Mad River Impoundment, Winchester;(7) Schreeder Pond (Chatfield Hollow Pond), Killingworth; and(8) Wharton Pond, Wallingford.(f) The following additional restrictions shall apply:(1) Beach Pond, Voluntown. No person shall water-ski and no person shall operate or allow the operation of a motorboat which is towing a water-skier in the narrow area from the dam east eight hundred feet to the mouth of said narrow area. At the discretion of the commissioner the eastern end of this restricted area may be marked with a regulatory buoy;(2) Gorton Pond, East Lyme. The operation of personal watercraft as defined in section 15-140j of the Connecticut General Statutes, is prohibited;(3) Pachaug Pond, Griswold. No person shall water-ski and no person shall operate or allow the operation of a motorboat which is towing a water-skier in the narrow area from the dam one thousand feet southeast to the mouth of said narrow area. At the discretion of the commissioner the southeastern end of this restricted area may be marked with a regulatory buoy; and(4) Somersville Mill Pond, Somers. No person shall operate a motorboat at a speed in excess of six miles per hour and no person shall water-ski or operate a vessel towing a water-skier.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 15-121-B16
Effective May 19, 1994; Amended September 8, 1998; Amended March 9, 2004; Amended January 3, 2007