Current through December 27, 2024
Section 13b-17-156 - DefinitionsFor the purpose of these regulations, definitions as hereinafter prescribed will govern.
1. "Height of a freight car" is the distance between the top of the rail and the top of the running board.2. "Side of a freight car" is that part or appurtenance of a car at the maximum distance measured at right angles from the center line of the car.3. "Width of a freight car" is twice the distance from the center line to the side of the car as defined herein.4. "Overhead clearance" is the normal distance from the plane of the top of the rails to a structure or obstruction above.5. "Side clearance" is the shortest distance from the center line of track to a structure or obstruction at the side of track.6. "Main track" is a track on which the authorized speed of train is in excess of thirty miles per hour.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 13b-17-156
Effective October 3, 1979