Section 12-574-A36 - Jockeys(a)License. (1) Each jockey must obtain a license from the commission.(2) A person who has never ridden in a race before may be allowed to ride in two races before applying for his first jockey or apprentice jockey license pending approval by the stewards. Before an applicant can be granted his first license as a jockey, the starter shall inform the stewards of the applicant's ability to control a horse while breaking from the starting gate.(3) The stewards may permit a jockey to ride pending action on his application.(b)Restriction on jockeys. (1) No licensed jockey shall be the owner or trainer of any race horse.(2) A jockey shall not ride or agree to ride in any race without the consent of the owner or trainer to whom he is under contract.(3) A jockey may not ride in any race against a starter of his contract employer unless his mount and contract employer's starter are both in the hands of the same trainer.(4) No jockey shall bet on any race except through the owner of and on the horse which he rides. Any jockey violating this section shall have his license revoked.(5) Interrogation by stewards-all owners, trainers, jockeys, employees, agents or other persons in any way connected with said association may be, at any time, interrogated by the stewards in reference to the making or placing of any bets anywhere on any race run at said course.(6) A jockey under temporary suspension shall not ride in a race for anyone during the period of his suspension.(7) The suspension of a jockey for an offense not involving fraud shall begin on the second day after the ruling, unless otherwise ordered by the stewards. A suspension for fraud shall begin immediately after the ruling.(8) A forfeiture must be paid by the jockey himself and any other person paying it shall be subject to such penalties as may be prescribed by the stewards.(9) A jockey shall not ride and a trainer shall not train for anyone during the period of his suspension. Any person who shall employ a jockey or trainer in contravention of this section may be suspended or fined by the stewards pursuant to these rules.(c)To fill engagements. All jockeys shall faithfully fulfill all engagements in respect to racing.(d)Appearance. In riding a race, a jockey must be neat in appearance. All riders must be dressed in clean jockey costumes, caps, jackets of silk, white breeches, and top boots.(e)Safety helmet. It shall he mandatory that every jockey, apprentice jockey, and other rider wear a protective helmet of a type approved by the stewards when riding in races, when exercising horses, or when ponying a thoroughbred horse.(f)Colors worn by riders. A jockey must wear the colors of the owner or owners of the horse he is riding except by special permission of the stewards, which permission shall be posted on the bulletin board, together with notice of the colors the jockey shall wear, and the number of the horse as is exhibited after weighing out. When the horse is being warmed up, the same number must be exhibited upon the right arm of its rider.(g)Report to scale room. Every jockey who is engaged to ride in a race shall report to the scale room on the day of the race at the time required by the officials. He shall then report his engagements and overweight, if any, to the clerk of the scales, and thereafter, except with the permission of the stewards, shall not leave the jockey room, except to view the races from a point approved by the stewards or to ride in a race, until all of his engagements of the day have been fulfilled.(h)Examination by physician. Before the commencement of a racing season all jockeys must be examined by a licensed physician, designated by the board of stewards in order to establish their physical condition and freedom from disabling defects or contagious disease. During the conduct of a meeting, the board of stewards may require that any jockey be reexamined and may refuse to allow said jockey to ride until he successfully passes such examination.(i)Spouses riding against each other. Jockeys who are spouses may not ride against his or her spouse, unless their mounts are coupled in the betting and run as an entry.(j)Racing against agent's horse. A jockey shall not ride in any race against a horse owned and/or trained by his agent.(k)Priority of retainers. Employers retaining the same jockey have precedence according to priority of the retainers as specified in the contracts.(l)Conflicting claims on jockeys. Conflicting claims for the services of a jockey shall be decided by the stewards.(m)Whips, length and kind. Jockey whips shall be no longer than twenty-eight (28) inches with one popper. No stingers (projections extending through a hole of the popper) are permitted.(n)Illegal whipping. No jockey shall hit or clip a horse across or between the ears.(o)Use of spurs. The use of spurs by a jockey is prohibited.(p)Contracts to be filed. The terms of all contracts between jockeys and their employers shall be filed with the commission after approval by the stewards. The contracts shall contain a provision that in case a jockey's license is revoked, the salary of the jockey shall cease.(q)The jockey room custodian. The jockey room custodian shall have charge of the jockey's quarters. He shall take custody of the clothing and personal effects of the jockeys and provide for their safekeeping. He shall uphold the rules of the commission and he shall not make any wager for himself or place a wager for any other person upon a race.(r)Fees. Any apprentice or contract rider shall be entitled to the regular jockey fees, except when riding a horse owned in part or solely by his contract holder. An interest in the winnings only (such as trainer's percent) shall not constitute ownership.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-A36