Section 12-574-B6 - Application for license to conduct meeting(a)License, form, date. No individual, partnership or corporation shall hold, or conduct any meeting within Connecticut at which harness racing is permitted for any purse, stake or reward and where pari-mutuel wagering is conducted unless such individual, partnership or corporation is licensed by the commission as provided in these regulations. (1) Applications for a license shall be made on forms supplied by the commission and shall be filed with the executive secretary of the commission on or before a day to be fixed by the commission.(2) Each applicant shall file such forms as may from time to time be required by the commission.(b)Licensing new applicants. In granting a license to any new applicants the commission will consider the following matters: (1) Opportunity for the sport to develop properly.(2) Extent of community support for the promotion and continuance of the track.(3) The character and reputation of the men identified with the undertaking.(4) Financial ability of the applicant to promote a facility.(5) The type and quality of the facility proposed.(6) Possible avoidance of competition with other established pari-mutuel facilities in Connecticut, if applicable. The commission may reject any application for a license for any cause which it deems sufficient.
(c)Corporations. All corporate applicants shall be Connecticut corporations or corporations authorized to do business in Connecticut. It shall file with the commission along with its application, the names, addresses, dates and places of birth and social security numbers of the officers and directors, the date of incorporation, and a copy of the original certificate of incorporation and of any amendments; a statement giving the names, addresses, dates and places of birth and social security numbers of all its stockholders and the number of shares registered in the name of each and shall likewise file revised statements giving such information from time to time as changes occur; and if any shares be registered in the name of a corporation or in the name or names of one or more persons as trustees or otherwise for a corporation, the applicant shall, at the same time and in the same manner, furnish a similar statement with respect to the stockholders of such corporation. In the case of publicly owned corporations, provisions of this rule may be waived at the discretion of the commission.(d)Partnerships. If the applicant is a partnership it shall file with the commission along with its application, the names, addresses, dates and places of birth and social security numbers of all the partners, general or limited, and the percentage of ownership of each and shall likewise file revised statements giving such information from time to time as changes occur and if one or more of the partners be a corporation, shall comply with the provisions of rule (c) of this section.(e)Individuals. If the applicant is an individual, he shall file with the commission, along with his application, his name, address, date and place of birth and social security number.(f)Change of ownership. No change of ownership of an association shall be made without prior written approval of the commission except changes effected by a court of competent jurisdiction which shall be treated, for the purposes of this subsection, in the same manner as stock transfers of publicly owned corporations. In the case of publicly owned corporations, the provisions of this rule shall be waived by the commission upon the following conditions: (1) The association shall inform the commission of all changes in stock ownership, including the names and addresses of the record owner of the stock, within a period of time from the date of said transaction as shall be determined by the commission.(2) The association shall use its best efforts to provide the commission with such information pertaining to the new stockholders as the commission shall request.(3) If the association is unable to provide the commission with any information requested pursuant to the above conditions, or if the commission determines, after a security cheek of the new stockholder, that the stockholder is a person whose character and reputation are such that the commission deems that person may be detrimental to the best interests of the State of Connecticut and/or harness racing in the State of Connecticut the association must take steps that effect a divestiture of the stock in question within a reasonable time after receipt of the commission's order to do so and shall inform the commission that a divestiture has occurred by such date as shall be determined by the commission.(4) The association shall take such steps that may be necessary to insure that no transfers of stock take place which are not reported to the commission.(5) Failure to adhere to any of the above conditions (1) (2) (3) (4) may be cause for revocation of the association's license.(g)Verification. The application, if made by an individual, shall be signed and verified under oath by such individual, and, if made by two (2) or more individuals or a partnership, shall be signed and verified under oath by all of the individuals or by all of the members of the partnership, whether general or limited, as the case may be. If the application is made by a corporation, it shall be signed by an officer of the corporation duly authorized by the board of directors and shall affix to the application a certified copy of the minutes or resolution of the board of directors specifically authorizing that officer to sign the application for the corporation. The seal of the corporation shall be affixed to the application and to the certified copy of the minutes or resolution.(h)Leasing racing plant. A license shall not be issued to an applicant if the applicant leases the land and/or buildings for its facility, and the lessor is an individual, partnership or corporation, who would be unable to secure a license to conduct a meeting from the commission pursuant to rule (b) (3) of this section. If the applicant's racing plant or any part thereof, including land and/or buildings, is leased, the applicant shall furnish the name address, date and place of birth and social security number of the owner, or if the owner be a corporation, the names, addresses, dates and places of birth and social security numbers of the officers, directors and stockholders thereof. No license shall be granted to an applicant who fails to submit such information to the commission as the commission may request from time to time. Failure to report changes in the lessor's ownership, and failure to obtain commission approval thereof may be cause for revocation of license. All associations shall observe the requirements of this rule. In the case of lessors who are publicly owned corporations the provisions of this rule may be waived at the discretion of the commission.(i)Fingerprints, photographs. Each applicant including partner, officer and director shall have their fingerprints and photograph taken by the commission before any license is issued. Every stockholder of an applicant shall comply with this rule. In the case of publicly owned corporations, the provisions of this rule may be waived at the discretion of the commission.(j)General information required. All applicants for a license shall submit on, or as a part of their application: (1) The number and actual period of days (Sundays excluded), the hours of each racing day, the number of races on a day's program and the post time for the first race which the applicant desires for a harness meeting.(2) The estimated cost of the racing plant to be constructed and a general description of such plant.(3) A description of the site of the proposed racing plant, including its acreage.(4) A statement of the plan of financing of the racing plant and if arrangements have been made for the flotation of securities, the name and address of the person or firm with whom such arrangements and terms have been made.(5) General specifications, surveys, studies and analyses by competent and qualified experts shall be furnished to the commission to ascertain such factors as proposed attendance, traffic flow, income, or any and all other matters necessary for the commission to make a determination with respect to the matter of the application. The commission reserves the right to reject inadequate or unsatisfactory specifications or to demand additional information and specifications from the applicant.(6) The written verification of the building and zoning officer of the municipality where the racing plant is proposed to be built that the erection of a harness racing plant in that locality as to all particulars is not in violation of any local ordinance or zoning regulation.(7) Such other information and requirements as the commission may deem proper.(k)Blueprints. The granting of a license to an association by the commission for the first time shall be conditioned upon the association furnishing, at its expense, such data as the commission shall require to enable it to carry out fully and effectually all of the provisions and purposes of the act which may include, but shall not be limited to, the following: A map or plan of its racetrack and plant, drawn to such reasonable scale as may be required, showing all structures, piping, fire hydrants and other fixed equipment thereon, with dimensions and nature of construction duly noted thereon, and a plan of the racing strip; and when any material changes are made therein, a similar map or plan showing such changes and drawn to the same scale, shall be forthwith filed with the commission. The blueprints and specifications shall be subject to the approval of the commission, which, at the expense of the applicant, may order such engineering examination thereof as the commission deems necessary. The erection and construction of the track, grandstand and buildings of any association shall be subject to the inspection of the commission. The commission may employ such inspectors, at the expense of the applicant, as it considers necessary for that purpose.(l)Minimum standards. The plans and specifications of an applicant for a license must meet all the standards enumerated in the uniform building code and the uniform fire code of the state of Connecticut, any and all standards of the municipality in which the applicant proposes to build its racing plant, and any other standards that the commission, in its discretion, may prescribe.(m)Condition of license. Any license granted to an association shall be subject to all rights, regulations and conditions from time to time prescribed by the commission.(n)Renewals. A license granted shall be renewed from year to year pursuant to these regulations upon application by an association for racing dates and filing of any such forms requested by the commission with the executive secretary of the commission by such date as shall be determined by the commission. In acting on renewal applications, the commission shall consider the requirements specified in rules (b) (3) and (b) (4) of this section.(o)Revocations-suspensions. The commission may revoke the license or fail to renew the license of an association after a hearing for any one of the following reasons: (1) If it makes any false statement in any form it files with the commission.(2) If a transfer in ownership is made which has not been approved by the commission, subject to the provisions of Section 12-574-B6(f) of these rules.(3) If the association fails to meet its financial obligations.(4) If it materially violates the rules and regulations of the commission.(5) If there has been a material change in the character and reputation of the men identified with the undertaking.(6) If it fails to conduct racing with pari-mutuel betting during any day of its meeting without sufficient cause therefor.(p)Non-transferable. No license shall be transferable or assignable in any manner or in any particular without the prior written approval of the commission.(q) Any change in the information required to be reported to the commission under sections 12-574-B6(c) and 12-574-B6(d) shall be reported to the commission by an association as it occurs. In the case of publicly owned corporations, provisions of this rule may be waived at the discretion of the commission.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-B6
Effective January 4, 1974