Current through December 27, 2024
Section 12-574-B36 - Starting(a)Starting gate. (1) Starter's control. The starter, under the direction, supervision and control of the presiding judge shall have control of the horses from the formation of the parade until he gives the word "go". The starter shall be in direct communication with the judges. (2) Scoring. After the preliminary warming up scores or score, the starter shall notify the drivers to come to the starting gate. During or before the parade, the drivers must be informed as to the number of scores permitted. (3) Horses brought to starting gate. The horses shall be brought to the starting gate as near one-quarter of a mile before the start as the track will permit. (4) Speed of gate. Allowing sufficient time so that the speed of the gate can be increased gradually, the following minimum speeds will be maintained: (A) For the first 1/8 mile, not less than eleven (11) miles per hour. (B) For the next 1/16 of a mile, not less than eighteen (18) miles per hour. (C) From that point to the starting point, the speed will be gradually increased to maximum speed. (5) Starting point. The starting point will be a point marked on the inside rail at a distance of not less than 200 feet from the first turn. The starter shall give the word "go" at the starting point. (6) Speed reached. When a speed has been reached in the course of a start, there shall be no decrease except in the case of a recall. (7) Recall notice. In case of a recall, a light plainly visible to the driver shall be flashed and a recall sounded. The starting gate shall proceed, however, out of the path of the horses. (8) No recall after "go". There shall be no recall after the word "go" has been given. Any horse, regardless of his position or an accident shall be deemed a starter from the time he entered into the starter's control unless dismissed by the starter. (9) Breaking horse. The starter shall endeavor to get all horses away in position and on a gait, but no recall shall be had for a breaking horse except as provided in rule (a) (10) (E) of this section. (10) Recall, reasons for. The starter may sound a recall only for the following reasons: (A) A horse scores ahead of the gate. (B) There is interference. (C) A horse has broken equipment. (D) A horse falls before the word "go" is given. (E) When a horse fails to come to the gate before the gate reaches the pole 1/16 of a mile before the start, the field may be turned. The term "failure to come to the gate" shall be interpreted to mean that the horse stops, turns and goes in a direction opposite from that of the starting gate, or is hopelessly outdistanced, or on a break. (11) Penalties. Penalties may be imposed against any driver by the starter, with the approval of the presiding judge, for: (B) Failing to obey the starter's instructions. (C) Rushing ahead of the inside or outside wing of the gate. (D) Coming to the starting gate out of position. (E) Crossing over before reaching the starting point. (F) Interference with another driver during the start. (G) Failing to come up into position. (12) Riding in the gate. No persons shall be allowed to ride in the starting gate except the starter and his driver or operator, and a patrol judge, unless permission has been granted by the commission. (13) Loudspeaker. Use of a mechanical loudspeaker for any purpose other than to give instructions to drivers is prohibited. The volume shall be no higher than necessary to carry the voice of the starter to the drivers. (14) Verification of speed. The starter shall, at the end of each race day, submit to the presiding judge the tape from the automatic device used on the gate which discloses the speed of the gate during each race. (b)Number of scores. Horses shall be permitted to take one or two scores before going to the post and upon completion of the scores, the horses shall be gathered by the starter and immediately moved into their positions behind the gate. Horses shall not be held in excess of two minutes after post time except when delayed by an emergency. (c)Vacancy in a tier. In the event there are two tiers of horses, the withdrawing of a horse that has drawn or earned a position in the front tier shall not affect the position of the horses that have drawn or earned positions in the second tier. Whenever a horse is drawn from any tier, horses on the outside move in to fill up the vacancy. (d)When race starts. The horse shall be deemed to have started when the word "go" is given by the starter and all the horses must go the course except in the event of an accident in which case the judges may deem it impossible to go the course. (e)Drivers mounted at finish. Drivers must be mounted at the finish of the race or the horse shall be placed as not finishing. (f)Unmanageable horses. If in the opinion of the judges or the starter a horse is unmanageable or liable to cause accidents or injury to any other horse or to any driver, such horse may be sent to the barn. When this action is taken, the starter shall notify the judges who shall in turn notify the public. (g)Placing bad acting horses on outside positions. The starter may place a bad acting horse on the outside at his discretion but such action may be taken only when there is sufficient time for the starter to notify the judges. When so notified, the judges shall, prior to the sale of tickets on such horse, notify the public. If tickets have been sold, the bad acting horse must be scratched in accordance with the provisions of rule (f) of this section. (h)Starting gate arms, screens or shields. The arms of all starting gates shall be provided with a screen or a shield in front of the position for each horse and such arms shall be perpendicular to the rail. (i)Starting gate and automatic timing device required. Every association shall utilize a mobile starting gate of a type and quality approved by the commission. Every association shall furthermore maintain a stand-by mobile starting gate similarly approved. The starting gate shall be equipped with an automatic timing device, approved by the commission, recording and disclosing upon tapes the speed of the starting gate at all times. (j)Operation of starting gate. The association may employ additional persons to assist the starter in the performance of his duties and such personnel shall be licensed and approved by the commission. (k)Positions in winning heat. The horse winning a heat shall take the pole position in the succeeding heat, and all others shall take their positions in the order they were placed in the last heat. When two or more horses shall have made a dead heat, their positions shall he settled by lot. (l)Refunds of entry money. No refunds of entry money can be made for any purposes once the entered horse is in the control of the starter. Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-B36