Current through December 27, 2024
Section 12-574-F22 - Equipment and facilities for greyhound racing(a)Maintenance of track. Racing associations shall at all times maintain their race track in good, uniform condition and with special consideration to the interest and safety of the public, the greyhounds and of all those whose attendance is required by official duties.(b)Detention area. The association shall provide and maintain a detention area in a location approved by the division for the purpose of securing for analysis such specimens of greyhound body fluids and eliminations as shall be directed.(c)Floodlights patrol system. Associations shall maintain such security systems as the division may require including floodlights to adequately illuminate the kennel areas at night.(d)Finish line system. Racing associations shall install at the finish line and shall adequately maintain two finish line systems, to be approved by the division, to automatically record the finish of the races. One such system is to be held in reserve for emergencies. The racing judges shall keep a file of all recorded finishes thereof for not less than five (5) years.(e)Association kennels. The association shall own or lease kennel structures in which all greyhounds racing at the association facility shall be housed. These kennels shall be operated by the association and shall be subject to the approval of the division as to size, location and security. The association also shall meet all requirements of a commercial kennel.(f)Kennel standards. The following minimum standards shall apply to kennels: (1) All exterior doors shall have security locks as approved by the division;(2) Kennels shall have at least one floodlight (150 watt minimum) on all sides of the building;(3) Fuse boxes and cut-off switches shall be inside the kennel building;(4) Medicine cabinets and exterior food refrigerators shall have hasps and locks and shall be locked when not in use;(5) All kennel perimeters shall be enclosed with a six foot chain link fence or fencing approved by the division. All runways and open exercise areas shall be enclosed by chain link fencing not less than four feet high. Enclosure gates shall be equipped with secure locking devices;(6) Entrance and exit to all compounds shall be by one double gate;(7) A guardhouse with a telephone system shall be constructed at each entrance gate of all compounds;(8) Perimeter fences and all areas within the kennel compound shall be amply lighted by floodlights or mercury lamps;(9) Kennels shall be kept clean and reasonably uncluttered at all times; and(10) Kennel buildings must have all openings, including doors and windows, screened with both fly screen and heavy mesh wire.(g)Video records. The association shall cause all races to be videotaped in a manner approved by the division and shall carefully retain all tapes for one year. An association shall when requested surrender any of these tapes and all ownership rights therein to the division, and the division shall reimburse the association for the cost of any surrendered tapes. The association shall provide appropriate facilities for the viewing of these tapes by the racing judges or other authorized division representatives. Pari-mutuel payouts and results are final and no evidence discovered on videotapes shall affect that finality.(h)Starting boxes. During the period of its meet and when greyhounds are exercised, each association shall provide and maintain at least two starting boxes approved by the division. Associations shall periodically inspect these boxes as required by the division and shall have in attendance, whenever said boxes are in use, one or more persons skilled and qualified to keep them in good working order.(i)Stands for race officials. Stands for racing judges, timers and the lure operator shall be maintained in division approved positions with an uninterrupted view of the entire racing strip.(j)Devices to be approved. All devices pertaining to racing which are installed at racetracks must be approved by the division before installation and shall not be removed except with the approval of the division.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-F22
Adopted effective October 3, 2001