Section 12-62f-6 - Tax collection module(a) The tax collection module shall have the ability to interface with both the data management and assessment administration modules. The tax collection module shall have the following capabilities: Ability to produce rate books and tax bills in OPM approved format; ability to reflect assessment changes as made by the Board of Assessment Appeals and any other lawful corrections and adjustments on tax bills; ability to process new owner and address changes prior to tax billing, with the retention and reflection of the October 1 owner on the rate book and tax bill; ability to process a delinquency code(s) to tax bill file indicating back taxes due; ability to provide a multi-digit code(s) for the identification of real estate escrow bank payments; ability to post refunds; ability to calculate interest and lien amounts due; ability to store at least fifteen prior years worth of tax collection records; ability to audit file listings and to review all data input; ability to output rate book/tax bill files to create tax collection/tax receivable files including the amount of total tax due and each installment thereof; ability to produce monthly trial balance; provide two-level password protection; and ability to integrate collection and posting functions. Said module should also provide security sufficient for tax collector operations.(b) Said module shall also be able to generate the following reports in hard copy and/or to provide the required data to a magnetic diskette: Rate Book total; total of tax bills; alias tax warrants; summary of certificates of correction by list year; suspended tax report; monthly trial balance report; and the following OPM reports: M-36A - Reimbursement of Revenue Loss-Elderly Freeze; M-42B - Totally Disabled Exemptions; and M-65 - Newly Acquired Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment. In addition, said module shall provide for the: Printing of tax bills and/or the listing of owners by bank in alphabetical order and the preparation of delinquency notices as follows: Tax reminder notices; demand notices; lien notice; real estate tax liens; and reports to the Department of Motor Vehicles of delinquent motor vehicle taxes.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-62f-6