Part XI - Returns
- Section 12-719-1 to 12-719-2 - Repealed
- Section 12-725-1 - Signing of Connecticut income tax returns, declarations, statements or other documents
- Section 12-725-2 - Signing of Connecticut returns prepared by a person other than the taxpayer
- Section 12-727(a)-1 - Filing on magnetic media (Repealed)
- Section 12-727(a)-2 - Informational reporting by certain employers, payers or real estate reporting persons
- Section 12-740-1 - Who must file a Connecticut income tax return
- Section 12-740-2 - Returns by or for minors or persons under a disability
- Section 12-740-3 - Returns by receivers
- Section 12-740-4 - Returns for decedents
- Section 12-740-5 - Filing of fiduciary income tax return
- Section 12-740-6 - Connecticut income tax returns for short taxable periods
- Section 12-740-7 - Returns must be made and filed even if not mailed by the department (Repealed)
- Section 12-740-8 - Filing of returns by nonresident aliens or persons who have not been issued a social security number
- Section 12-740-9 to 12-740-10 - Repealed